Subsidiary Legislation

Interpretation Act
Revised Edition published on 01 Aug 1999
Short Title     |   Number
Interpretation (Temporary Suspension of Electronic Road Pricing System Charges) Order 2011
Interpretation (Delegation of Powers — Ministry of Law) (No. 2) Notification 2011
Interpretation (Fee for Traffic Rights Application Certificate) Order 2011
Interpretation (Temporary Reduction of Electronic Road Pricing System Charges) Order 2011
Interpretation (Criminal Procedure Code — Search Fees for First Information) Order 2011
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Law) Notification 2011
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Law) Notification 2011
Interpretation (Temporary Reduction of Electronic Road Pricing System Charges) (No. 2) Order 2010
Interpretation (Temporary Reduction of Electronic Road Pricing System Charges) (No. 2) Order 2010
Interpretation (Temporary Suspension of Electronic Road Pricing System Charges) Order 2010
Interpretation (Temporary Reduction of Electronic Road Pricing System Charges) Order 2010
Interpretation (Temporary Reduction of Electronic Road Pricing System Charges) (No. 2) Order 2009
Interpretation (Temporary Suspension of Electronic Road Pricing System Charges) Order 2009
Interpretation (Price Control (Rice) Order — Fees) Order 2009
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Transport) Notification 2009
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Law) Notification 2009
Interpretation (Temporary Reduction of Electronic Road Pricing System Charges) Order 2009
Interpretation (Temporary Reduction of Electronic Road Pricing System Charges) (No. 2) Order 2008
Interpretation (Temporary Suspension of Electronic Road Pricing System Charges) Order 2008
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Law) Notification 2008
Interpretation (Temporary Reduction of Electronic Road Pricing System Charges) Order 2008
Interpretation (Singapore Visa — Fees) Order 2007
Interpretation (Singapore Visa — Fees) Order 2007
Interpretation (Singapore Visa — Fees) Order 2007
Interpretation (Temporary Reduction of Electronic Road Pricing System Charges) (No. 2) Order 2007
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Law) Notification 2007
Interpretation (Temporary Reduction of Electronic Road Pricing System Charges) Order 2007
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Trade and Industry) (Economic Expansion Incentives for Biomedical Sciences Sector) (Cancellation) Notification 2007
Interpretation (Temporary Reduction of Electronic Road Pricing System Charges) Order 2006
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Trade and Industry) (Economic Expansion Incentives) Notification 2006
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Trade and Industry) (Economic Expansion Incentives for Biomedical Sciences Sector) Notification 2006
Interpretation (Massage Establishments Act — Fee for Application for Approval of Employee) Order 2006
Interpretation (Massage Establishments Act — Fee for Application for Approval of Employee) Order 2006
Interpretation (Payment Systems (Oversight) Act 2006 — Fees) Order 2006
Interpretation (Non-Application of Section 41A to Certain Proceedings) (Revocation) Order 2006
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Education) Notification 2006
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Home Affairs) Notification 2005
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Home Affairs) Notification 2005
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Home Affairs) Notification 2005
Interpretation (Non-Application of Section 41A to Certain Proceedings) Order 2005
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Trade and Industry) Notification 2005
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Finance) (No. 3) Notification 2005
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Finance) (No. 2) Notification 2005
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Finance) (No. 2) Notification 2005
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Finance) (No. 2) Notification 2005
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of National Development) (No. 2) Notification 2005
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of National Development) (No. 2) Notification 2005
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of National Development) (No. 2) Notification 2005
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Finance) Notification 2005
Interpretation (Temporary Reduction of Electronic Road Pricing System Charges) Order 2005
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of National Development) Notification 2005
Interpretation (Copyright Act — Fees) Order 2005
Interpretation (Temporary Reduction of Electronic Road Pricing System Charges) (No. 3) Order 2004
Interpretation (Temporary Reduction of Electronic Road Pricing System Charges) (No. 2) Order 2004
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Law) Notification 2004
Interpretation (Temporary Reduction of Electronic Road Pricing System Charges) Order 2004
Interpretation (Temporary Reduction of Electronic Road Pricing System Charges) (No. 2) Order 2003
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Home Affairs) Notification 2003
Interpretation (Temporary Reduction of Electronic Road Pricing System Charges) Order 2003
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Finance) Notification 2003
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Finance) Notification 2003
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Finance) Notification 2003
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Defence) Notification 2002
Interpretation (Temporary Reduction of Electronic Road Pricing Systems Charges) (No. 2) Order 2002
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Law) Notification 2002
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Home Affairs) Notification 2002
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Manpower) Notification 2002
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Trade and Industry) Notification 2002
Interpretation (Temporary Reduction of Electronic Road Pricing Systems Charges) Order 2002
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Health) Notification 2002
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of National Development) Notification 2002
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Health) Notification 2001
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Law) Notification 2001
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Trade and Industry) Notification 2001
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of National Development) Notification 2001
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Law) Notification 2000
Interpretation Act — Temporary Reduction of Charges under the Road Traffic (Electronic Road Pricing Systems) Rules
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Home Affairs) Notification 2000
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of National Development) Notification 2000
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Health) Notification 2000
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Health) Notification 2000
Reduction of Erp Charges
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of National Development) Notification 2000
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of National Development) Notification 1999
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Health) Notification 1999
Reduction of Government Hospitals Fees
Reduction of Hospital Fees
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Finance) Notification 1999
Reduction of Government Hospital Fees
Reduction of Government Hospital Fees
Reduction of Parking Fee — Blk 126A, Bukit Merah View
Interpretation (Determination and Certification of Death) Regulations 1998
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Finance) (No. 2) Notification 1998
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Finance) Notification 1998
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Finance) Notification 1998
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Finance) Notification 1998
Reduction of Parking Charges
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of National Development) Notification 1997
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Law) Notification 1997
Delegation of Powers (Ministry of Education) Notification 1997