Arms and Explosives Act(CHAPTER 13)
Table of Contents
Long Title
1 Short title
2 Interpretation
3 Exemptions from operation of this Act
4 Minister may prohibit exportation by notification
5 Extension of definition of explosive and prohibition as to explosives by notification
6 Power to prohibit poisonous or noxious gas
7 Penalty for unauthorised exportation or removal
8 Licences required in respect of guns, arms and explosives
9 Appointment of licensing authority
10 Conditions of licences
11 Appeal
12 No purchase of guns or arms from licensed dealer without licence
13 Delivery by other than licensed dealers
14 Provision upon death or bankruptcy, etc., of licensee
15 Guns, arms or explosives of which possession has become unlawful to be deposited at police station
16 Forfeiture of arms or explosives deposited with the licensing authority
17 Permit to land may be granted
18 Minister may authorise erection of magazines or establishment of hulks
Other offences and penalties
19 Knowingly concealing arms, etc., imported without a licence
20 Knowingly purchasing arms from person not licensed
21 Failure to keep prescribed book or make prescribed entry or making false entry
22 Resisting person in execution of power
23 Obstructing inspection of stock-in-trade
24 General penalty
25 Abetment and attempt
26 Jurisdiction of Courts
27 Sanction
28 Rewards to informers
29 Forfeitures
30 Liability of employer
Search, seizure and arrest
31 Search of premises and seizure therein
32 Search for arms, etc.
33 Search of vessels or aircraft
34 Persons conveying arms, etc., may be apprehended without warrant in suspicious circumstances
35 Power to arrest without warrant persons committing dangerous offences
36 Arrest by police without warrant
37 Persons arrested to be taken to a police station
38 Power to stop and search for arms or explosives in the street
39 Presumption
40 Power to make rules
41 Notice of accidents
42 Inquiry into accidents
Legislative History