Administration of Muslim Law Act(CHAPTER 3)
Table of Contents
Long Title
Part I Preliminary
1 Short title
2 Interpretation
Part II Majlis Ugama Islam
3 Establishment and functions of Majlis
4 Majlis to be a corporation
5 Powers of Majlis
6 Devolution of rights, powers, duties, liabilities and property of Board under Muslim and Hindu Endowments Ordinance
7 Membership
8 Secretary
9 Determination of appointment
10 Cancellation of appointment
11 Temporary appointment
12 Appointment to be notified
13 Stranger at meeting
14 Chairman
15 Quorum
16 Corporate seal
17 Conduct of business
18 Summoning meeting
19 Powers of President
20 Duties and powers of Secretary
21 Minutes
22 Order of business and voting
23 Certified copy of resolution
24 Appearance by Majlis
25 Acting in emergency
26 Delegation of powers
27 Secrecy
28 Public servant
29 Majlis may prescribe own procedure
30 Appointment of Mufti
31 Legal Committee
32 Ruling of Legal Committee (Fatwa)
33 Authorities to be followed
Part III The Syariah Court
34 Constitution of Syariah Court
34A Appointment of presidents and ad-hoc presidents
34B Appointment of registrar
35 Jurisdiction
35A Leave to commence or to continue civil proceedings involving disposition or division of property on divorce or custody of children
36 Stay of proceedings involving certain matters
37 Seal of Court
38 Language and record
39 Representation
40 Issue of warrant in lieu of or in addition to summons
41 Reciprocal arrangements with States of Malaysia
42 Evidence
43 Powers of Court
44 Adjournment
45 Time
46 Court to be open
47 Divorce at wife’s request
48 Cerai taklik
49 Fasakh
50 Appointment of hakam
51 Maintenance of wife
52 Provisions consequent on matrimonial proceedings
53 Enforcement of order
53A Execution of deed or indorsement of negotiable instrument
53B Costs
54 Presumption of death
55 Appeal
56 Revision
56A Decision of Court and Appeal Board to be final
56B Protection of members of Court or Appeal Board, etc.
Part IV Financial Provisions
57 General Endowment Fund
58 Wakaf or nazar am
59 Vesting of wakaf and nazar am in Majlis
60 Restriction on creation of Muslim charitable trust
61 Income of wakaf or nazar
62 Property and asset of wakaf or nazar am
63 Construction of instrument
64 Registration of wakafs
65 Estimates
66 Expenses of Majlis
67 Bankers
68 Collection of zakat and fitrah
69 Rules
70 Appeal
71 Charitable collection
72 Financial provisions with respect to Majlis
73 Financial provisions with respect to trust, wakaf, nazar and mosque
73A Annual report
Part V Mosques and Religious Schools
74 Majlis to administer mosques
75 Restriction of new mosque
76 Establishment of Mosque Building and Mendaki Fund
77 Application of Mosque Building and Mendaki Fund
78 Contributions to Mosque Building and Mendaki Fund
79 Muslim employee may decide not to pay contributions
80 Contributions from other persons
81 Power to make rules
82 Repair
83 Boundary of daerah masjid
84 Register of pegawai masjid
85 Appointment of pegawai masjid
86 Rules for appointment of jawatankuasa daerah
87 Religious school
88 Grant to religious school
88A Halal certificates
88B Regulation of Haj services and goods
88C Rules to regulate halal and Haj matters
Part VI Marriage and Divorce
89 Application
90 Appointment of Registrar of Muslim Marriages
91 Appointment of Kadis and Naib Kadis
92 Deputy Registrars of Muslim Marriages
93 Registers
94 Betrothal
95 Solemnization of marriage
96 Restriction on solemnization of marriage
97 Marriage of janda
98 Place of marriage
99 Copy of certificate to be sent to Registrar
100 Registers of Marriages, Divorces and Revocation of Divorces
101 Cancellation or rectification of entry in register or certificate
102 Registration of marriage, divorce or revocation of divorce compulsory
103 Signing of register and inquiry by Kadi
104 Refusal to register marriage, divorce or revocation of divorce
105 Appeal
106 Where Appeal Board orders registration
107 Extended time for registration of marriage, divorce or revocation of divorce
108 Copy of entry to be given to parties
109 Legal effect of registration of marriage, divorce or revocation of divorce
Part VII Property
110 Saving of distribution of Muslim estate by will
111 Disposition by will to be in accordance with Muslim law
112 Distribution of Muslim estate to be according to Muslim law
113 Petition for probate and letters of administration
114 Proof of Muslim law
115 Inheritance certificate
116 Administration of husband’s estate
117 Administration of wife’s estate
118 Will of married woman
119 Property at marriage
120 Property of Muslim married woman
121 Right to sue and liability to be sued
122 Liability on her own contract
123 Antenuptial debt
124 Effect of marriage on property
125 Household property
Part VIII Conversions
126 Register of converts
127 Control of conversion
128 Report of conversion
Part IX Offences
129 This Part to apply only to Muslims
130 Omission to register within prescribed time
131 Omitting to hand over book or seal or being in possession thereof without lawful excuse
132 Unlawful register
133 Unlawful solemnization of marriage or registration of marriage, divorce or revocation of divorce
134 Cohabitation outside marriage
135 Enticing unmarried woman from wali
136 Permission to leave Singapore
137 Non-payment of zakat or fitrah
138 Neglect or failure to report conversion
139 False doctrine
140 Abetment
Part X Miscellaneous
141 Registrar, Kadi and Naib Kadi to be public servants
142 Witness
143 Inspection and search
144 Proof
145 Rules
146 Delegation
Legislative History
Comparative Table