Currency Act(CHAPTER 69)
Table of Contents
Long Title
1 Short title
2 Interpretation
Part II transfer of functions, property, liabilities and employees to authority
3 Interpretation of this Part
4 Authority to administer Act
5 Transfer to Authority of property, assets and liabilities
6 Transfer of employees
7 Service rights, etc., of transferred employees to be preserved
8 Existing contracts
9 Continuation and completion of disciplinary proceedings
10 Misconduct or neglect of duty by employee before transfer
11 Currency of Singapore
12 Use of Singapore dollar
13 Authority to have sole right to issue currency; legal tender
14 Bills and notes payable to bearer on demand
15 Exchange of currency notes and coins
16 Power to buy and sell currency notes and coins
17 Form and design of currency notes and coins
18 Demonetisation of currency notes and coins
19 Mutilated currency notes and coins
20 Restriction on use of photographs, drawing or design of currency notes and coins in advertisements, etc.
21 Currency Fund
22 External assets of Currency Fund
23 Mutilating, destroying or defacing currency notes and coins
24 Counterfeit currency notes and coins to be forfeited
25 Power of arrest
26 Sanction of Public Prosecutor
27 Protection from personal liability
28 Regulations
29 Savings and transitional provisions
Legislative History
Comparative Table