Distress Act(CHAPTER 84)
Table of Contents
Long Title
1 Short title
2 Interpretation
3 Act not to apply to Government rents
4 No distress otherwise than under this Act
5 Application for writ of distress
6 Provision for distress by one of joint owners
7 Writ of distress
8 Property exempted from seizure
9 Inventory and estimate of property seized, and notice to tenant of the seizure
10 Application by under-tenant, lodger, etc., for discharge, suspension or release
11 Payments by under-tenant or lodger to superior landlord to be deemed rent
12 Exclusion of certain goods
13 Exclusion of certain under-tenants
14 Avoidance of distress
15 Interpretation of sections 10 to 14
16 Application by tenant
17 Powers of court
18 Costs
19 Sale of property seized
20 Procedure where property seizable under distress is already under seizure by way of execution
21 Removal of goods to avoid distress
22 Where goods removed sold to bona fide purchaser
23 Deserted premises
24 Penalty
Legislative History