Dentists Act(CHAPTER 76)
Table of Contents
Long Title
1 Short title
2 Interpretation
3 Establishment and constitution of Dental Board
4 Dental Registrar
5 Dentists register
6 Qualifications necessary for registration
7 Application for registration
8 Certificate of registration
9 Prohibition of practice of dentistry by unregistered persons
10 Privileges of registered person
11 Definition of practise of dentistry
12 Certificates to practise
13 Issue of provisional certificates to dental therapists
14 Publication of register and presumptions
15 Certificate of Registrar
16 Correction of dentists register
17 Cancellation of certificate of registration
18 Appeal against removal from register or refusal to register
19 Certificate of registration to be exhibited
20 Inspection of premises used for the practice of dentistry
21 Recovery of fees
22 Fraudulent registration to be an offence
23 Falsely pretending to be or taking or using the name or title of a dentist to be an offence
24 False description of his vocation to be an offence
25 Covering
26 Prosecutions
27 General penalty
28 Power of Board to make regulations
29 Exemptions from sections 7, 8, 12, and 19
30 Exemptions from this Act
Legislative History