Energy Conservation Act(CHAPTER 92C)
Table of Contents
Long Title
1 Short title
2 Interpretation
3 Meaning of "business activity"
4 Meaning of "operational control"
5 Application of Act to Government
6 Director-General and appointment of authorised officers
7 Sector regulators and appointment of transport sector authorised officers
8 Public servants
9 Protection from personal liability
Division 1 — Energy labelling and minimum performance standards for registrable goods
10 Interpretation of this Division
11 Registrable goods
12 Restriction on supply of registrable goods
13 Registration of suppliers and registrable goods
14 Register of registered suppliers and registered goods
15 Duration and renewal of registration
16 Withdrawal or revocation of registration
17 Appeals
18 Maintenance of records
19 Power of Director-General to require registrable goods for testing or analysis and furnishing of information
20 False statements, forging of documentation, etc.
Division 2 — Energy management practices for corporations
21 Interpretation of this Division
22 Registrable corporation
23 Registration of registrable corporation
24 Register of registered corporations
25 Corporation may apply to cancel registration
26 Power of Director-General to ascertain if corporation is registrable
27 Periodic reporting of energy use, etc.
28 Records to be kept
29 Energy efficiency improvement plans
30 Appointment of energy manager
31 Energy manager not to falsify data
32 Penalties for non-compliance
Division 3 — Powers of enforcement
33 Entering premises, etc., to monitor compliance
34 Powers of authorised officers in monitoring compliance
35 Authorised officer may require persons to furnish information and produce documents
36 Power to demand names and addresses
37 Supplier of registrable goods and registrable corporation to provide authorised officer with all facilities and assistance
38 Penalty for obstructing Director-General or authorised officer in his duty
Division 1 — Fuel economy labelling, etc., of motor vehicles
39 Interpretation of this Division
40 Motor vehicles subject to fuel economy requirements
41 Fuel economy certificate, data and testing
42 Fuel economy labelling
43 False statements, forging of documentation, etc.
Division 2 — Energy management practices for transport facility operators
44 Interpretation of this Division
45 Transport facility operators
46 Power of sector regulator to ascertain if entity is transport facility operator
47 Periodic reporting of energy use, etc.
48 Records to be kept
49 Energy efficiency improvement plans
50 Appointment of energy manager
51 Energy manager not to falsify data
52 Penalties for non-compliance
53 Entering premises, etc., to monitor compliance
54 Powers of transport sector authorised officers in monitoring compliance
55 Transport sector authorised officer may require persons to furnish information and produce documents
56 Power to demand names and addresses
57 Powers to examine and secure attendance, etc.
58 Authorised dealer, etc., and transport facility operator to provide transport sector authorised officer with all facilities and assistance
59 Penalty for obstructing transport sector authorised officer in his duty
60 Composition of offences
61 Exemption
62 Regulations
63 Adoption of codes and standards
64 Power to obtain energy consumption data from energy suppliers
65 Energy and environment impact surveys
66 Powers to examine and secure attendance, etc.
67 Notices and other documents may be given by authorised officer or transport sector authorised officer
68 Service of documents, etc.
69 Inaccuracies in document
70 Evidence
71 Disclosure of information
72 Offences by bodies corporate, etc.
73 Power of court to order cause of contravention to be remedied
74 Composition of offences
75 Saving of prosecutions under other laws
76 Amendment of Schedule
77 Exemption
78 Regulations
79 Adoption of codes and standards
80 Savings and transitional provisions in relation to Part III
81 Savings and transitional provisions in relation to Part IV
Legislative History