Entertainments Duty Act(CHAPTER 94)
Table of Contents
Long Title
1 Short title
2 Interpretation
3 Appointment of Comptroller of Entertainments Duty
4 Duties
5 Comptroller may decide what is payment for admission
6 Payment of duty — how made
7 Duty chargeable in respect of every person
8 Recovery of duties
9 Refund of duty overpaid
10 Duty not paid, short paid, or erroneously refunded
11 Duty on subscription and season tickets
12 Exemption from duty for charities, etc.
13 Repayments
14 Power of Minister to exempt
15 Powers of entry and inspection
16 Powers of arrest
17 Powers of seizure
18 Jurisdiction of District and Magistrates’ Courts
19 Compounding of offences
20 Who may prosecute
21 Protection of informers from discovery
22 Penalties
23 Attempts and abetments
24 Action of officers no offence
25 Liability of proprietor for acts of employees
26 Search
27 Rules
Legislative History
Comparative Table