Guardianship of Infants Act 1934
Table of Contents
Long Title
1 Short title
2 Interpretation
3 Welfare of infant to be paramount consideration
4 Equal right of mother to apply to court
5 Power of court to make, discharge or amend orders for custody and maintenance of infants
6 Rights of surviving parent as to guardianship
7 Power of father and mother to appoint testamentary guardians
8 Dispute between joint guardians
9 Enforcement of orders for payment of money
10 Removal of guardian
11 Matters to be considered
11A Court to have regard to advice of welfare officers, etc.
12 Variation of trusts for maintenance of infant
13 Production of infant
14 Placing infant in custody of guardian
15 Security to be given
16 Limitation of guardian’s powers
17 Guardian may not give discharge for capital property
18 Guardian may support infant out of income
19 Special order in case of small estate
20 Application for opinion, etc.
21 Exception for money paid into a District Court
Legislative History