Internal Security Act 1960
Table of Contents
Long Title
1 Short title
2 Interpretation
Chapter 1 — Prohibition of organisations and associations of a political or quasi‑military character and uniforms, etc.
3 Prohibition of uniforms of political or quasi-military organisations
4 Penalty
5 Prohibition of quasi-military organisations
6 Illegal drilling
7 Prohibition of uniforms, emblems, etc.
Chapter 2 — Powers of preventive detention
8 Power to order detention
8A Interpretation
8B Law applicable to judicial review
8C (Repealed)
8D Commencement provision
9 Duty to inform person detained of grounds of detention, etc.
10 Detention order may be suspended
11 Representations against detention order
12 Report of advisory board
13 Review
13A Presidential concurrence
14 Power to summon witnesses
15 Member of advisory board deemed to be public servant
16 Disclosure of information
17 Power to order removal
18 Power to order production of detained person
19 Saving in respect of prosecution of persons detained
Chapter 3 — Special powers relating to subversive publications, etc.
20 Prohibition of printing, sale, etc., of documents and publications
21 Objections against orders under section 20
22 Printing, publishing, etc., in contravention of order under section 20
23 Possession of documents, etc., in contravention of order under section 20
24 Importation in contravention of order under section 20
25 Posting of placards, etc.
26 Dissemination of false reports
27 Possession of subversive documents
28 Powers of search and seizure of documents
29 Disposal of subversive documents, etc.
Chapter 4 — Control of entertainments and exhibitions
30 Power to require information
31 Power to impose conditions
32 Promoter, etc., to be in attendance at entertainment or exhibition
33 Power to prohibit certain entertainments or exhibitions
34 Powers of entry and investigation
35 Search
36 Powers of seizure
37 Powers of closure
38 Liability of principal for acts of employee
39 Abetment and penalty
Chapter 5 — Other powers for the prevention of subversion
40 Powers relating to appointments
41 Power to close schools or educational institutions
42 Control of admission to institutions of higher education
43 Powers in relation to pupils, etc., visiting Singapore
Chapter 6 — Miscellaneous
44 Attempts to commit offences and assisting offenders
45 Abetment and general penalty
46 Arrest
47 Enforcement of bonds
Chapter 1 — Proclamation of security areas
48 Proclamation of security areas
Chapter 2 — Powers relating to preservation of public security
49 Danger area
50 Controlled area
51 Protected place
52 Exclusion of persons
53 Curfew
54 Power to take possession of land or buildings
55 Power to order destruction of certain unoccupied buildings
56 Power to control roads, etc.
57 Power to seize rice and other food
Chapter 3 — Offences relating to security areas
58 Offences relating to firearms, ammunition and explosives
59 Consorting with person carrying or having possession of firearms or explosives
60 Supplies
61 Failure to report offences or to give information
62 Attempt to commit offences
63 Assisting offenders
64 Abetment and general penalty
Chapter 4 — Powers of police and others
65 Arrest
66 Powers of search
67 Power to dispense with death inquiries
68 Medical officers of armed forces to be regarded as pathologist or medical practitioner under supervision of pathologist
Chapter 5 — General
69 Compensation
70 Application of section 94 of Penal Code 1871
71 Extension of right of private defence
Chapter 6 — Power to make regulations
72 Power to make regulations
73 Seizability and bailability of offences
74 Power to detain suspected persons
75 Use of lethal weapons in effecting arrests
76 Admission of statements in evidence
77 Inspection of bankers’ books
78 Disposal of property
79 Registration of persons arrested or detained
80 Jurisdiction of District Court
81 Restriction on prosecution
82 Publicity of orders
83 Saving
84 Amendment, etc., of Schedules
Legislative History