Societies Act 1966
Table of Contents
Long Title
1 Short title
2 Interpretation
3 Appointment of Registrar and Assistant Registrars
4 Registration of specified societies and refusal to register
4A Registration of societies not specified in Schedule
5 Annual registers to be published
6 Cessation of existence of society
7 Voluntary dissolution of society
8 Inspection and certified copies of documents
9 Branch of society
10 Information to be furnished by societies and persons responsible for supplying information
11 Change of name, place of business and rules of society
11A Registrar may order change of name or rules of society registered under section 4A
12 Persons who shall not act as officers of society
13 Use of flag, symbol, etc.
14 Unlawful societies
15 Persons allowing unlawful assembly in their premises
16 Penalty for inciting, etc., person to become member of unlawful society
17 Penalty for procuring subscription or aid for unlawful society
18 Publishing, etc., propaganda of unlawful society
19 Penalty for misuse of money or property of registered society
20 Punishment of fraud, false declaration and misappropriation
21 Presumptive proof of existence of society
22 Presumptive proof of membership, etc., of society
23 Society using triad ritual to be deemed unlawful society
24 Minister may order dissolution of any society
25 Consequences upon order of Minister under section 24
26 Power of Magistrate, etc., to enter place kept as place of meeting
27 Power to enter and search in special cases
28 Magistrate, etc., may enter house, etc., where unlawful meeting held, or books, accounts, etc., kept, may arrest and seize persons and property found
29 Registrar and Assistant Registrar to have power to summon witnesses
30 Charges
31 Jurisdiction
32 Forfeiture
33 Service of summons, etc.
33A Amendment of Schedule
34 Regulations
35 Provisions applicable to registered societies
36 Security for costs and liability of officers
37 Power to exempt
38 Transitional provision
Legislative History
Comparative Table