Sale of Drugs Act 1914
Table of Contents
Long Title
1 Short title
2 Interpretation
Analysts and officers
3 Appointment of analysts and officers
4 Power of officers to enter, etc.
5 Power to demand, select and take samples
6 Any person may have sample analysed
7 Samples, how taken
8 Certificate of analyst
9 Power to call for information
Offences and penalties
10 Offences
11 Interference with official marks
12 General penalty
13 Forfeiture of drugs upon conviction
14 Notification of conviction in newspapers
Presumptions of Law
15 Adulteration
16 Sale by agent or employee
17 Presumptions as to sale for human consumption or use
Legal proceedings and evidence
18 Proceedings for offences
19 No defence that offence not wilfully committed
20 Reliance on written warranty a good defence
21 Analyst’s certificate to be prima facie evidence
22 Court may order independent analysis
23 Non-disclosure of information
24 Recovery of fees and other expenses incidental to prosecution
25 Appeal
25A Composition of offences
Regulations and supplementary provisions
26 Power to make regulations
27 Fees to be paid to Authority
Legislative History