Competition Act 2004
Table of Contents
Long Title
1 Short title
2 Interpretation
Division 1 — Establishment, incorporation and constitution of Commission
3 Establishment and incorporation of Competition and Consumer Commission of Singapore
4 Common seal
5 Constitution of Commission
Division 2 — Functions, duties and powers of Commission
6 Functions and duties of Commission
7 Powers of Commission
8 Directions by Minister
9 Appointment of committees and delegation of powers
Division 3 — Provisions relating to staff
10 Chief Executive, officers and employees, etc.
Division 4 — Financial provisions
11 Financial year
12 Minister’s approval of estimates
13 Moneys recovered or collected by Commission
14 Grants-in-aid
15 Power to borrow
16 Issue of shares, etc.
17 Bank account
18 Application of moneys
19 Investment
20 (Repealed)
21 Audit of accounts
22 (Repealed)
23 (Repealed)
Division 5 — Transfer of property, assets, liabilities and employees
24 Transfer to Commission of property, assets and liabilities
25 Transfer of employees
26 Service rights, etc., of transferred employees to be preserved
27 No benefits in respect of abolition or reorganisation of office
28 Existing contracts
29 Continuation and completion of disciplinary proceedings and other legal proceedings
30 Misconduct or neglect of duty by employee before transfer
Division 6 — General
31 (Repealed)
32 Symbol or representation of Commission
Division 1 — General
33 Application of Part
Division 2 — Agreements, etc., preventing, restricting or distorting competition
34 Agreements, etc., preventing, restricting or distorting competition
35 Excluded agreements
36 Block exemptions
37 Block exemption orders
38 Opposition to block exemptions
39 Procedure for block exemptions
40 Variation and revocation of block exemption orders
41 Criteria for block exemptions
42 Requests for Commission to examine agreements
43 Notification for guidance
44 Notification for decision
45 Effect of guidance
46 Effect of decision that section 34 prohibition has not been infringed
Division 3 — Abuse of dominant position
47 Abuse of dominant position
48 Excluded cases
49 Requests for Commission to consider conduct
50 Notification for guidance
51 Notification for decision
52 Effect of guidance
53 Effect of decision that section 47 prohibition has not been infringed
Division 4 — Mergers
54 Mergers
55 Excluded mergers
55A Confidential advice by Commission on anticipated mergers
56 Requests for Commission to consider anticipated mergers and mergers
57 Notification of anticipated merger
58 Notification of merger
58A Interim measures in relation to notifications of anticipated mergers and mergers
59 Effect of decision that anticipated merger, if carried into effect, will not infringe section 54 prohibition
60 Effect of decision that merger has not infringed section 54 prohibition
Division 4A — Commitments
60A Commitments
60B Effect of commitments
Division 5 — Enforcement
61 Guidelines on enforcement of Part
61A Power to require documents or information
62 Power to investigate
63 Power when conducting investigation
64 Power to enter premises without warrant
65 Power to enter premises under warrant
66 Self-incrimination and savings for professional legal advisers
67 Interim measures
68 Decision of Commission upon completion of investigation
69 Enforcement of decision of Commission
70 Notification
71 Appealable decisions
Division 2 — Competition Appeal Board
72 Competition Appeal Board
73 Powers and decisions of Board
74 Appeals to General Division of High Court, etc.
75 Refusal to provide information, etc.
76 Destroying or falsifying documents
77 False or misleading information
78 Obstruction of officer of Commission, etc.
79 No costs or damages or other relief arising from seizure to be recoverable unless seizure without reasonable or probable cause
80 Powers of enforcement
81 Offences by bodies corporate, etc.
82 Jurisdiction of court
83 General penalty
84 Composition of offences
85 Enforcement of directions of Commission and commitments in District Court
86 Rights of private action
87 Cooperation between Commission and other regulatory authorities on competition matters
88 Cooperation between Commission and foreign competition bodies
89 Preservation of secrecy
90 Protection from personal liability
91 Public servants
91A Proceedings conducted by officers of Commission
92 Amendment of Third and Fourth Schedules
93 Regulations
94 (Repealed)
95 Interpretation of this Part
96 Transfer of undertakings to Commission
97 Transfer of employees to Commission
98 General preservation of employment terms, etc.
99 Transfer of records
100 Confirmation of transfers
Legislative History
Comparative Table