Removal of prisoner from one custody to another
420.—(1)  Every application to remove a prisoner from one custody to another for the purpose of trial or for any other purpose shall be made to the General Division of the High Court and shall be supported by an affidavit stating —
(a)where the prisoner is detained in custody;
(b)to what other custody it is proposed to remove him; and
(c)the reason for the change of custody.
[Act 40 of 2019 wef 02/01/2021]
(2)  If an order is made for the removal of a prisoner from one custody to another for the purpose of trial or for any other purpose, the order shall be drawn up with a direction that a warrant shall be issued accordingly.
(3)  The warrant shall be prepared and signed by the Registrar of the Supreme Court and countersigned by the Judge who made the order and sealed with the seal of the Supreme Court.
[Act 40 of 2019 wef 02/01/2021]