Alternate address
370A.—(1)  Despite sections 12 and 12A, the Registrar must not disclose or make available for public inspection the particulars of a director’s or an authorised representative’s residential address that is lodged with the Registrar under this Part or transmitted to the Registrar by the Commissioner of National Registration under section 8A of the National Registration Act (Cap. 201) if the requirements of subsection (2) are satisfied.
(2)  The requirements referred to in subsection (1) are that the director or authorised representative referred to in that subsection maintains with the Registrar an alternate address that complies with the following conditions:
(a)it is an address at which the director or authorised representative can be located;
(b)it is not a post office box number;
(c)it is not the residential address of the director or authorised representative; and
(d)it is located in the same jurisdiction as the director’s or authorised representative’s residential address.
(3)  For the purposes of subsection (2) —
(a)an individual who wishes to maintain an alternate address must lodge an application with the Registrar;
(b)an individual may not maintain more than one alternate address at any one time;
(c)an individual who wishes to cease to maintain an alternate address must lodge a notice of withdrawal with the Registrar; and
(d)an individual who wishes to change his alternate address must lodge a notice of change with the Registrar.
(4)  An application to maintain an alternate address, the lodgment of a notice of withdrawal and notice of change are subject to the payment of such fees as may be prescribed.
(5)  Subsection (1) applies from the time at which the Registrar accepts an application to maintain an alternate address referred to in subsection (3)(a).
(6)  A director or an authorised representative who maintains an alternate address under subsection (2) must ensure that he can be located at his alternate address.
(7)  A director or an authorised representative who fails to comply with subsection (6) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $10,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years or to both.
(8)  Despite subsection (1), the Registrar may disclose and make available for public inspection the particulars of a director’s or an authorised representative’s residential address despite the maintenance of an alternate address under subsection (2) if —
(a)communications sent by the Registrar under this Act, or by any officer of the Authority under any ACRA administered Act, to the director or authorised representative at his alternate address and requiring a response within a specified period remain unanswered; or
(b)there is evidence to show that service of any document under this Act or under any ACRA administered Act at the alternate address is not effective to bring it to the notice of the director or authorised representative.
(9)  Before proceeding under subsection (8), the Registrar must give notice to the director or authorised representative affected, and to every foreign company of which the Registrar has been notified under this Act that the individual is a director or an authorised representative, as the case may be —
(a)stating the grounds on which the Registrar proposes to disclose and make available for public inspection the individual’s residential address; and
(b)specifying a period within which representations may be made before that is done.
(10)  The Registrar is to consider the representations received within the specified period.
(11)  Where the Registrar discloses and makes available for public inspection the particulars of a director’s or an authorised representative’s residential address, the Registrar must give notice of that fact to the director or authorised representative affected, and to every foreign company of which the Registrar has been notified under this Act that the individual is a director or an authorised representative, as the case may be.
(12)  A notice to a director or an authorised representative under subsection (11) is to be sent to him at his residential address unless it appears to the Registrar that service at that address may be ineffective to bring it to his notice, in which case it may be sent to any other last known address of the director or authorised representative.
(13)  Where —
(a)the Registrar discloses and makes available for public inspection the particulars of a director’s or an authorised representative’s residential address under subsection (8); or
(b)a Registrar appointed under any other ACRA administered Act discloses and makes available for public inspection under that Act the particulars of a director’s or an authorised representative’s residential address under a provision of that Act equivalent to subsection (8),
the director or authorised representative is not, for a period of 3 years after the date on which the residential address is disclosed and made available for public inspection, allowed to maintain an alternate address under subsection (2).
(14)  Nothing in this section applies to any information lodged or deemed to be lodged with the Registrar before the date of commencement of this section or prevents such information from being disclosed or from being made available for public inspection or access.
(15)  Nothing in this section prevents the residential address of an individual that is lodged with the Registrar under this Act, or is transmitted to the Registrar by the Commissioner of National Registration under section 8A of the National Registration Act from —
(a)being used by the Registrar for the purposes of any communication with the individual;
(b)being disclosed for the purposes of issuing any summons or other legal process against the individual for the purposes of this Act or any other written law;
(c)being disclosed in compliance with the requirement of any court or the provisions of any written law;
(d)being disclosed for the purpose of assisting any public officer or officer of any statutory body in the investigation or prosecution of any offence under any written law; or
(e)being disclosed in such other circumstances as may be prescribed.
(16)  Any director or authorised representative aggrieved by the decision of the Registrar under subsection (8) may, within 30 days after the date of receiving the notice under subsection (11), appeal to the Court which may confirm the decision or give such directions in the matter as seem proper or otherwise determine the matter.
[Act 40 of 2019 wef 02/01/2021]
(17)  For the purposes of this section —
(a)“ACRA administered Act” means the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority Act (Cap. 2A) and any of the written laws specified in the Second Schedule to that Act; and
(b)a director or an authorised representative can be located at an address if he may be physically found at the address after reasonable attempts have been made to find him at that address.
[Act 36 of 2014 wef 03/01/2016]