Responsibility of parent or guardian
46.—(1)  The parent or guardian of every child in Singapore must ensure that the child is vaccinated against the diseases set out in the Fourth Schedule.
(2)  The Registrar‑General of Births and Deaths must, immediately after the registration of the birth of a child, issue to the parent or guardian of the child a notice requiring the child to be vaccinated against the diseases to which this section applies.
[Act 17 of 2021 wef 29/05/2022]
Power to order certain persons to undergo vaccination or other prophylaxis
47.—(1)  In an outbreak or a suspected outbreak of any infectious disease in any area in Singapore, the Director-General of Health may by order direct any person or class of persons not protected or vaccinated against the disease to undergo vaccination or other prophylaxis within the period specified in the order.
[10/2008; 5/2019]
[Act 11 of 2023 wef 01/05/2023]
(2)  In addition to the power conferred by subsection (1), where it appears to the Director-General of Health that —
(a)an outbreak of an infectious disease in any area in Singapore is imminent; and
(b)it is necessary or expedient to do so for the securing of public safety,
the Director-General of Health may by order direct any person or class of persons not protected or vaccinated against that infectious disease to undergo vaccination or other prophylaxis within the period specified in the order.
[10/2008; 5/2019]
[Act 11 of 2023 wef 01/05/2023]
(3)  Any order made under subsection (1) or (2) may specify the person by whom and the manner in which the vaccination or other prophylaxis is to be carried out.
(4)  Where any order is made under subsection (1) or (2), the Director-General of Health must cause notice of the effect of the order to be given in such a manner as the Director-General of Health thinks necessary for bringing it to the notice of all persons who in the opinion of the Director‑General of Health ought to have notice of it.
[Act 11 of 2023 wef 01/05/2023]
48.—(1)  [Deleted by Act 13 of 2024 wef 09/04/2024]
(2)  Any person who carries out any vaccination must —
(a)keep in the prescribed manner a record of all vaccination carried out by him or her; and
[Act 13 of 2024 wef 09/04/2024]
(b)within the prescribed period after carrying out any vaccination, notify in the prescribed manner —
(i)the Director-General of Health or any officer of the Board who is designated by the Director-General of Health for the purpose; and
[Act 11 of 2023 wef 01/05/2023]
(ii)the person on whom the vaccination was carried out or, if such person is a child, to the parent or guardian of the child.
[5/2003; 10/2008]
[Act 13 of 2024 wef 09/04/2024]
Exemption from vaccination
49.  The Director-General of Health, or any officer of the Board who is designated by the Director-General of Health for the purpose, may grant the postponement of or exemption from any vaccination required under this Part as he or she thinks fit.
[Act 11 of 2023 wef 01/05/2023]
Certificates of unfitness
50.—(1)  If any medical practitioner is of the opinion that any person is not fit to be vaccinated, the medical practitioner must immediately deliver to that person or, in the case of a child, to the parent or guardian of the child an exemption certificate in such form as the Director-General of Health may require.
[Act 11 of 2023 wef 01/05/2023]
(2)  Such exemption certificate remains in force for such period as may be specified therein.
(3)  Before the expiry of the exemption certificate the person must go, or the parent or guardian of the child must take or cause the child to be taken, to a medical practitioner who must then examine and vaccinate the person or child or give a further exemption certificate in respect of that person or child in such form as the Director-General of Health may require.
[Act 11 of 2023 wef 01/05/2023]
(4)  Any medical practitioner who issues an exemption certificate under this section must, within the prescribed time and in such form or manner as the Director-General of Health may require, notify the Director-General of Health or an officer of the Board who is designated by the Director-General of Health for the purpose.
[Act 11 of 2023 wef 01/05/2023]
51.  Any person who contravenes any provision of this Part, or fails to comply with any notice given under section 46 or order made under section 47, shall be guilty of an offence.
Suspension of this Part
52.—(1)  The appropriate Minister may, by notification in the Gazette, suspend all or any of the provisions of this Part during an epidemic of any infectious disease.
(2)  The appropriate Minister must, on the termination of the epidemic, by notification in the Gazette restore the provisions of this Part that he or she has suspended and order all persons affected by the suspension to perform within such time as he or she may specify all acts that remained to be performed by reason of the suspension.
53.  [Repealed by Act 10 of 2008]
Fees for vaccinations and other prophylaxis
54.  The appropriate Minister may by notification in the Gazette prescribe the fees that may be charged by persons who carry out any vaccination or other prophylaxis under the provisions of this Act.
[10/2008; 5/2019]
[Act 13 of 2024 wef 09/04/2024]