Petroleum Bill
Table of Contents
Long Title
Enacting Formula
1 Short title and commencement
2 Interpretation
3 Class A and Class B petroleum to be imported and exported at appointed places
4 Carriage of petroleum in ships
5 Transport of petroleum to be in accord ance with this Act
6 Restriction on transport of petroleum
7 Provisions regarding vessel outside port
8 Class A, Class B and Class C petroleum not to be permitted to remain on quay
9 Licence for the storage or keeping of any Class A, Class B or Class C petroleum
10 Appointment of Licensing Officer
11 Appointment of inspectors
12 Powers of inspectors
13 Obstructing officers in the execution of their duty
14 Inspector may make forcible entry
15 Flashpoint of Class B petroleum to be ascertained
16 Adulteration of petroleum prohibited
17 No repair without certification
18 No vessel to enter port without certification
19 Power of Minister to make orders
20 Arrest without warrant
21 Regulations
22 Penalty where not otherwise provided
23 Confiscation of stock
24 Transitional provisions
25 Repeal
Explanatory Statement
Expenditure of Public Money