Street Works Bill
Table of Contents
Long Title
Enacting Formula
1 Short title and commencement
2 Interpretation
3 Exemption
4 Authority to manage, maintain and repair public streets and administer this Act
5 Power to construct and improve streets
6 Public streets and bridges vested in Government
7 Power to enter State land to construct and maintain road structures and road related facilities
8 Power to order stoppage of activity causing damage to public street
9 Power to enter private land to construct new streets
10 Creation of rights in, under or over land
11 Owner may request President to direct acquisition of land
12 Power to enter land for inspection and survey, etc.
13 Removal of projections or obstructions
14 Declaration to vest street reserves in Government
15 Authority may recover costs and expenses of new street or of widening, opening, etc., of public street
16 Settling of apportionment of costs and expenses
17 Powers to control works on public streets
Part III
Division I Private streets
18 Private persons constructing new streets
19 Expiry of approval of plans
20 Determination of amount to be deposited and date for completion
21 Authority may execute street works or cause street works to be properly carried out
22 Refund of deposit when street works have been completed
23 Refund of deposit when building operations are not commenced
Division II Maintenance of private streets
24 Repair of private streets
25 Notice on person causing private street to be in dangerous or defective condition
26 Private streets may be declared public streets
27 Provisions of footways, etc.
28 Maintenance of footways
29 Utility services
30 General provisions as to back-lanes
31 Back-lanes to be levelled, paved, etc., by Authority
32 Power to erect lighting apparatuses, street name signs and other road related facilities
33 Wilful damage to Government’s property and hindrance of Authority’s use of such property
34 Accidental removal, destruction or damage to Government’s property
35 Mandatory order
36 Provision as to appeal against mandatory order
37 Powers of Authority in cases of emergency
38 Authority in executing works to provide roads, etc., where existing ones are damaged
39 Penalty for removing mark set up by Authority
40 Compensation
41 Occupier may execute work upon default of owner
42 Liability of transfer or who has not given notice
43 Recovery of costs and expenses payable by owners
44 Recovery of cost and expenses by instalments
45 Proceedings if occupier opposes execution of works
46 Licences, approval, consent, etc., granted by Authority
47 Service of notices
48 Receipts and notices may be given by authorised officer
49 General penalties
50 Inaccuracies in documents
51 Evidence
52 Composition of offences
53 Regulations
54 Repeal, transitional provisions and savings
55 Consequential amendments
Explanatory Statement
Expenditure of Public Money