Guns, Explosives and Weapons Control Bill
Table of Contents
Long Title
Enacting Formula
1 Short title and commencement
2 General interpretation
3 Meaning of "gun" and associated terms
4 Meaning of "explosive" and associated terms
5 Meaning of "possession" and associated terms
6 Meaning of "manufacture" and associated terms
7 Meaning of "supply" and associated terms
8 Meanings of "acquire", "transfer" and associated terms
9 Meanings of "convey", "import" and "export" and associated terms
10 Purposes of Act
Division 1 — Guns and gun accessories
11 Unauthorised possession or use of guns, etc.
12 Unauthorised manufacture, etc., of guns, etc.
13 Unauthorised possession of digital blueprints for manufacture of guns, etc.
14 Unauthorised trade in guns, etc.
15 Unauthorised supply or conveyance of guns, etc.
16 Unauthorised acquisition of guns, etc.
17 Penalties for offences for unlicensed regulated activities involving guns, etc.
18 Breach of gun, etc., licence conditions
19 Unauthorised shooting range or paintball range operations
20 Penalties for offences for unauthorised shooting ranges, etc.
Division 2 — Explosives and explosive precursors
21 Unauthorised use of explosive or explosive precursor
22 Unauthorised possession of explosive or explosive precursor
23 Unauthorised manufacture, etc., of explosives or explosive precursors
24 Unauthorised trade in explosives or explosive precursors
25 Unauthorised supply or conveyance of explosives or explosive precursors
26 Unauthorised acquisition of explosives or explosive precursors
27 Penalties for offences for unlicensed regulated activities involving explosives, etc.
28 Breach of explosive, etc., licence conditions
Division 3 — Weapons and noxious substances
29 Unauthorised possession of weapons and noxious substances
30 Unauthorised manufacture, etc., of weapons
31 Unauthorised trade in weapons or noxious substances
32 Unauthorised supply or conveyance of weapons or noxious substances
33 Unauthorised acquisition of weapon or noxious substance
34 Penalties for offences for unlicensed regulated activities involving weapons or noxious substances
35 Breach of weapon or noxious substance licence condition
Division 4 — Other offences
36 Loss of guns and explosives, etc.
37 Misuse of licence
38 Unauthorised transfer of guns, explosives, etc.
39 Surrender of guns, etc., by unauthorised persons
40 Offences arrestable
Division 1 — Interpretive provisions
41 Meaning of "close associate" of licensee or applicant
42 Meaning of holding an equity interest
Division 2 — Security clearance
43 Security clearance a prerequisite for licence, etc.
44 Validity of security clearance
45 Granting security clearance
46 Cancellation of security clearance
Division 3 — Offences
47 Special workers need security clearance
48 Notice about close associates
Division 1 — Licences
49 Classes of licences
50 Application for or to renew licence
51 Grant of licences
52 Licence validity
53 Conditions of licences
54 Modifying conditions of licence
55 Restriction on transfer and surrender of licence
Division 2 — Class licences
56 Class licence
57 Variation and revocation of class licence
58 Conditions applicable to class licensee
Division 1 — Management controls and record‑keeping
59 Change in management of licensee
60 Accounts and statements
61 Record-keeping and giving information
Division 2 — Standards and directions
62 Standards for licensees and class licensees
63 Directions affecting licensees and class licensees
64 Security directions
65 How security direction is given
Division 1 — Regulatory action
66 Suspension or revocation, etc., of licence or class licence
67 Regulatory action can continue despite licence expiry, etc.
68 Proceedings for regulatory action
Division 2 — Enforcement powers
69 Purpose for which enforcement powers are exercisable
70 Powers of entry, etc., at premises
71 Powers in relation to conveyances
72 Power to obtain information
73 Offences
74 Composition of offences
75 Interpretation of this Part
76 Appeal to Minister
77 Decision on appeal
78 Administration of Act by licensing officer
79 Authorised officers
80 Compliance officers
81 Offences by corporations
82 Offences by unincorporated associations or partnerships
83 Jurisdiction of courts
84 Service of documents
85 Disposal of unclaimed guns, etc.
86 Act binds Government
87 General exemption for law enforcement, etc.
88 Exemption for defence purposes
89 Administrative exemption
90 Regulations
91 Amendment of Schedules
92 Presentation to Parliament
93 Amendments to Arms Offences Act
94 Amendments to Corrosive and Explosive Substances and Offensive Weapons Act
95 Amendments to Criminal Procedure Code
96 Related amendment to Miscellaneous Offences (Public Order and Nuisance) Act
97 Consequential amendments to other Acts
98 Repeal
99 Saving and transitional provisions
Explanatory Statement
Expenditure of Public Money