Education (Grant-in-Aid) Regulations
Table of Contents
1 Citation
2 Definitions
3 Application to junior colleges
4 Forms of grant-in-aid
5 Application for grant-in-aid
6 Withdrawal of grant-in aid
7 Standards to be complied with
8 Admission policy
9 Manager to comply with requests, rules and regulations
10 Manager to open bank account
11 Account of capitation grant
12 Registers to be maintained
13 Terms and holidays of aided schools
14 Appointment of teachers
15 Re-employment of retired employees
16 Termination of service for incompetence, etc.
17 Teachers may teach part-time for payment
18 Employees not to benefit from sale of stationery, etc.
19 Prohibition of other employment
20 No publication without permission
21 Salary scales and allowances
22 Qualifications of graduate and other teachers
23 Leave similar to Government schools
24 Sick leave certificates
25 Employees medically unfit
26 When progress payments to be made
27 Extension of time for project
28 Notification of closure of aided school
29 Director of Education may take over school
30 Declaration of assets, etc.
31 Religious instruction
32 Aided schools to provide religious instruction if required by curriculum
33 Annual estimates
34 Use of capitation payments
35 Capitation payments account
36 Statements of account, etc.
37 Signature of principal to suffice
38 Certain regulations not to apply to specified aided schools
39 Conditions for approval for capital expenditure
40 Grant-in-aid for school buildings
41 Grant-in-aid to include certain costs
42 Approval only by formal written notice
Legislative History