Electrical Workers and Contractors Licensing Regulations
Table of Contents
1 Citation
2 Definitions
3 Licensing of electrical contractors
4 Application for a licence or renewal thereof
5 Licensed electrical worker may not be licensed as an electrical contractor
6 Fee not refundable
7 Form of licence of electrical contractors
8 Duration of licence
9 Application for renewal of electrical contractor’s licence
10 Cancellation, suspension, etc., of licence
11 Reduction of period of suspension
12 Licence to be delivered to Board
13 Notification of suspension, etc.
14 Copy of licence
15 Authority conferred by duplicate of a licence
16 Duties of a licensed electrical contractor
17 Electrical Contractors’ Register
18 Information from Register
19 Penalty for contracting otherwise than in conformity with licence
20 Penalties
21 Grades of licences
22 Qualifications
23 Authority conferred by a licence
24 Electrical Workers’ Register
25 Responsibility of holder of a licence
26 Responsibility of holder of licence for notices, etc., to be given
27 Duration of licences
28 Application for renewal of a licence
29 Fees
30 Form of licence of electrical workers
31 Licence to contain certain particulars
32 Delivery of licence to Board
33 Licence to be subject to suspension or cancellation by Board
34 Notification of suspension or cancellation of a licence
35 Duplicate of a licence, etc.
36 Authority conferred by duplicate of a licence
37 Notices to electrical workers
38 Production of licence and giving of information to an authorised officer
39 Penalties
Legislative History