Registration of Deeds Rules
Table of Contents
1 Citation
2 Definition
3 Inspection of register by public
4 Use of microfilm reader
5 Hours of search and registration
6 Use of lead pencil
7 Forms
8 Address in Singapore
9 Quality and dimensions of forms
10 Preservation of records
11 Copies of plans to be furnished
12 Area of land stated in any instrument or plan to be expressed in square metres
13 Mode of conducting registration
14 Unreasonable delay in complying with requisition stating grounds of objection
15 Memorials may be prepared in Registry
16 Registrar may dispense with compliance with certain provisions of Act
17 Requisition for official searches
18 Probate and letters of administration
19 Memorandum of lien or charge
20 Memorandum of discharge of lien or charge
21 Records to be kept at Registry
22 Register
23 Index of lands
24 Index of caveats
25 Record of official searches
26 Books or documents filed not to be removed
27 Copies of documents
28 Withdrawal, removal or cancellation of caveats
29 Particulars of acquiring party to be disclosed in instruments
30 Memorandum of mortgages
31 Severance of joint tenancy
32 Fees
33 Refund of fees by Registrar
Legislative History