Boundaries and Survey Maps (Conduct of Cadastral Surveys) Rules 2005
Table of Contents
Enacting Formula
Part I preliminary
1 Citation and commencement
2 Definitions
3 Registered surveyor to be familiar with related legislation
4 Personal direction and supervision of surveys
5 Existing survey data to be obtained
6 Compliance with requirements
7 Errors in previous survey
8 Form of survey document to be submitted
9 Field equipment
10 Abbreviations, symbols and conventional signs in survey documents
11 Plan forms
12 Plotting on plans
13 Corrections on plans
14 Notice to enter land to conduct survey
15 Certification in relation to encroachment
16 Application of this Part
Division 1 Field work
17 Survey under SVY21 datum
18 Datum
19 Approved survey marks
20 Emplacement prior to or during survey
21 Stability of marks
22 Accuracy
23 Boundaries
24 Survey and marking of boundaries
25 Survey involving high water mark
26 Topographical details
27 Boundary discrepancies
28 Field notes
Division 2 Office work
29 Purpose of computations
30 Units of measurement
31 Calculated and scaled areas
32 Plan scales
33 Representation of boundary lines on certified plan
34 Information on certified plan
35 Certified plan number
36 Plan heading
37 Information to be shown on certified plan
38 Certification of survey documents and plans
39 Application of this Part
40 Field survey procedures
41 Strata boundaries
42 Certification of field book
43 Strata certified plan
44 Plan scales
45 Representation of boundary lines on strata certified plan
46 Strata certified plan number
47 Plan heading
48 Plan schedule
49 Site plan
50 Storey plan
51 Elevation sketch
52 Additional information to be shown on strata certified plan (other than for subdivided building)
53 Certification of strata certified plan (other than for subdivided building)
54 Lodgment of strata certified plan for subdivided building
55 Additional requirements for strata title plan
56 Certification of strata title plan
57 Transitional provisions