No. S 162
Infectious Diseases Act
Infectious Diseases (Certificates of
Vaccination or Other Prophylaxis)
(Amendment) Regulations 2019
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 73(1) of the Infectious Diseases Act, the Minister for Health makes the following Regulations:
Citation and commencement
1.  These Regulations are the Infectious Diseases (Certificates of Vaccination or Other Prophylaxis) (Amendment) Regulations 2019 and come into operation on 25 March 2019.
Amendment of regulation 2
2.  Regulation 2 of the Infectious Diseases (Certificates of Vaccination or Other Prophylaxis) Regulations 2008 (G.N. No. S 611/2008) is amended by deleting “” in the definition of “Certificate” and substituting “”.
Made on 22 March 2019.
Second Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of Health,
[MOH 78:25 Vol 52; AG/LEGIS/SL/137/2015/13 Vol. 1]