No. S 938
Air Navigation Act
Air Navigation
(121 — Commercial Air
Transport by Large Aeroplanes)
(Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2020
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 3A of the Air Navigation Act, the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore, with the approval of the Minister for Transport, makes the following Regulations:
Citation and commencement
1.  These Regulations are the Air Navigation (121 — Commercial Air Transport by Large Aeroplanes) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2020 and come into operation on 5 November 2020.
Amendment of regulation 5
2.  Regulation 5(1) of the Air Navigation (121 — Commercial Air Transport by Large Aeroplanes) Regulations 2018 (G.N. No. S 444/2018) (called in these Regulations the principal Regulations) is amended —
(a)by deleting the words “transfer agreement under Article 83 bis of the Chicago Convention” in sub‑paragraph (h) and substituting the words “83 bis agreement, or the agreement summary of such an 83 bis agreement”; and
(b)by deleting the words “or (f)” in sub‑paragraph (k) and substituting the words “, (f) or (h)”.
Deletion and substitution of regulation 27
3.  Regulation 27 of the principal Regulations is deleted and the following regulation substituted therefor:
Flight planning
27.—(1)  Before the commencement of any flight of a large aeroplane, the AOC holder must ensure that —
(a)the pilot‑in‑command is provided with the necessary information —
(i)to complete the preparation for the intended flight; and
(ii)to ensure the adequacy of facilities at any aerodrome that may be used for the flight;
(b)the airspace containing the intended route from the aerodrome of departure to the aerodrome of arrival (including any intended take‑off alternate aerodrome, destination alternate aerodrome and en‑route alternate aerodrome) can be safely used for the type of operation to be conducted; and
(c)if the flight is intended to operate over or near any conflict zone, a risk assessment is conducted and appropriate risk mitigation measures are taken to ensure the safety of the flight.
(2)  For the purposes of paragraph (1)(c), “conflict zone” is any area where armed conflict is occurring or is likely to occur between militarised parties (including any area where militarised parties are in a heightened state of military alert or tension) and the safety of civil aircraft may be endangered.”.
Amendment of regulation 38
4.  Regulation 38(3) of the principal Regulations is amended by deleting the full‑stop at the end of sub‑paragraph (h) and substituting a semi‑colon, and by inserting immediately thereafter the following sub‑paragraphs:
(i)any conditions specified in the operations specifications associated with the AOC holder’s air operator certificate;
(j)any aerodrome operating minima that may be established for an aerodrome by the State of the Aerodrome.”.
New regulation 60A
5.  The principal Regulations are amended by inserting, immediately after regulation 60, the following regulation:
Cargo compartment safety
60A.—(1)  An AOC holder must establish policies and procedures in its Operations Manual —
(a)to ensure that a safety risk assessment is conducted to ascertain that the risks associated with the transport of any items in the cargo compartment for any flight of a large aeroplane are within the acceptable level; and
(b)to ensure (with reasonable certainty) that in the event of a fire involving any items being transported in the cargo compartment during any flight of a large aeroplane, the fire can be detected and sufficiently suppressed or contained by the elements of the aeroplane’s design associated with cargo compartment fire protection until the aeroplane makes a safe landing.
(2)  The safety risk assessment mentioned in paragraph (1)(a) must include an assessment of at least the following matters:
(a)any hazards associated with the properties of the items to be transported;
(b)the capabilities of the AOC holder;
(c)any operational considerations;
(d)the capabilities of the aeroplane and its systems;
(e)the containment characteristics of unit load devices;
(f)the packing and packaging;
(g)the safety of the supply chain for the items to be transported;
(h)the quantity and distribution of the items of dangerous goods to be transported.
(3)  An AOC holder must ensure that the elements of the cargo compartment fire protection system for a large aeroplane (as approved by the aeroplane manufacturer), and a summary of the demonstrated cargo compartment fire protection certification standards for the aeroplane, are contained in the aeroplane’s flight manual or other documentation supporting the operation of the aeroplane.”.
Amendment of regulation 105
6.  Regulation 105(1) of the principal Regulations is amended by deleting “2021” and substituting “2023”.
Amendment of regulation 119
7.  Regulation 119(1) of the principal Regulations is amended by deleting sub‑paragraph (b) and substituting the following sub‑paragraph:
(b)a large aeroplane —
(i)for which the Certificate of Airworthiness is first issued before 1 January 2016;
(ii)which is modified on or after 1 January 2016 to install and utilise any of the data link communications applications specified by the Director‑General of Civil Aviation;
(iii)which is required to carry a cockpit voice recorder under regulation 118; and
(iv)which is not modified on or after 1 January 2016 to install any data link communications equipment which complies with —
(A)the type design of the aeroplane that is approved by the State of Design before 1 January 2016; or
(B)a modification to the aeroplane that is approved by the State of Design or the State of Registry before 1 January 2016.”.
[G.N. Nos. S 679/2018; S 769/2018; S 180/2019; S 212/2020]
Made on 4 November 2020.
Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore.
[LE/LGN/A1.8; AG/LEGIS/SL/6/2020/2 Vol. 1]
(To be presented to Parliament under section 3A(8) of the Air Navigation Act).