51.—(1)  Every school shall be provided with lavatories and other sanitary equipment of a type approved by a medical officer.
(2)  In schools with mixed enrolment separate lavatories shall be provided for each sex with adequately screened approaches.
(3)  Lavatory accommodation in every school shall be provided as follows:
(a)for boy pupils: One water-closet for every 50 pupils up to a total of 200 pupils; one water-closet for every 100 pupils in excess of 200; plus 1.8 metres of trough urinal for every 100 pupils; and
(b)for girl pupils: One water-closet for every 25 pupils up to a total of 100 pupils; one water-closet for every 30 pupils of the next 150 pupils; and one water-closet for every 50 pupils in excess of 250 pupils.
(4)  Urinals in a school shall be faced to a height of 1.2 metres with tiles or such other impervious material as the medical officer may approve.
(5)  Where a water carriage system is not installed in a school, lavatories shall be in a separate building at least 9 metres distant from the school building.
(6)  Except as the Director-General otherwise permits, separate lavatory accommodation shall be provided for the staff in every school.
(7)  Lavatories in a school shall at all times be kept in a clean and sanitary condition.
(8)  Lavatories in a school shall not be used for any other purpose.
Improvements to sanitation
52.—(1)  The supervisor shall carry out such alterations and improvements to the lavatories and other sanitary arrangements of a school as the Director-General may at any time require by notice in writing and within the period specified in the notice.
(2)  Such improvements may at the discretion of the Director-General include the installation of a water carriage system.
Water supply
53.—(1)  An adequate and wholesome supply of water shall be provided in every school.
(2)  The supervisor shall increase or improve the water supply of a school to the extent which the Director-General may at any time require by notice in writing and within the period specified in the notice.
Washing facilities
54.  All schools shall be provided with washing facilities for pupils and teachers to the satisfaction of a medical officer.
Cleanliness of premises
55.—(1)  All school premises shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition to the satisfaction of a medical officer.
(2)  The supervisor shall, if so required by the Director-General by notice in writing, cause the whole or any part of the school premises to be suitably colour-washed or repainted.
56.  No smoking shall be permitted in any classroom during school hours.
57.  No spitting shall be allowed on any part of the school premises.
Food sold on premises
58.—(1)  The supervisor shall control to the satisfaction of a medical officer the preparation and sale on the school premises of food, drink or refreshment of any kind (referred to in these Regulations as food).
(2)  All persons engaged in the preparation and sale of food in school premises shall take such steps as may be reasonably necessary to protect it from contamination.
(3)  Newspaper shall not be used as a wrapping material for food sold on school premises except as an outer cover in addition to an inner wrapping.
(4)  Food for sale on school premises shall be kept at least 46 centimetres from the ground and shall be protected by fly proof covers.
(5)  No ice-cream shall be offered for sale on school premises unless it was prepared on premises licensed for the purpose.
(6)  No ice which has been kept in sawdust shall be placed in or on any food offered for sale on school premises.
Food vendors
59.—(1)  No person shall be engaged in the preparation or sale of food on school premises until he has been certified free of infectious or contagious diseases.
(2)  Persons so engaged shall submit at least once a year to such medical examination including X-ray examination as may be required by a medical officer.
(3)  Any person so engaged who is found to be suffering from an infectious or contagious disease shall be immediately excluded from the school.
(4)  All persons while so engaged shall wear clean overalls or aprons.
(5)  No person while so engaged shall spit, smoke, take snuff or chew any substance.
Medical inspection of premises
60.  A medical officer or any person provided with and, if required, exhibiting the authority in writing of a medical officer may at any reasonable time enter and inspect the premises of any school to ascertain whether the school is being kept in a sanitary condition, and shall send a copy of his report to the Director-General.
Medical examination of pupils
61.—(1)  A medical officer, or any person provided with and, if required, exhibiting the authority in writing of a medical officer may examine in any school the person and clothing of any child attending the school:
Provided that girls over the age of 10 years shall not be examined by a male person except with their consent and with the consent of the principal.
(2)  If on such examination a medical officer or any such authorised person is of the opinion that the person or clothing of any such child is infected with vermin or in a foul or filthy condition, he may give notice in writing to the supervisor requiring him to exclude the child from the school until such time as the person and clothing of the child have been cleansed to the satisfaction of the medical officer or the authorised person and the supervisor shall exclude the pupil accordingly.
Infectious diseases to be reported
62.—(1)  The principal shall ascertain the cause of absence of any pupil who is absent from school for more than one school day.
(2)  The principal shall report at once to a medical officer any suspected or known case of infectious or contagious disease amongst teachers or pupils or when the principal knows or suspects that any of his pupils or teachers have been in contact with a case of infectious disease.
Exclusion of persons suffering from infectious disease and contacts
63.—(1)  If a medical officer or any person duly authorised certifies that any teacher or pupil should be excluded from any specified school because he is suffering or has recently suffered from an infectious or contagious disease or because he has been in contact with or living in the same house as a person suffering or having recently suffered from an infectious or contagious disease, the supervisor shall cause that teacher or pupil to be excluded from the school for such period as the medical officer or the authorised person shall consider necessary.
(2)  The Director-General may at any time require a registered teacher to present himself for examination to a medical officer or to any medical practitioner approved by the Director-General and the supervisor if required by the Director-General shall cause the teacher to be excluded from the school until the examination has taken place and until a medical officer has certified that the teacher may be permitted to return.
(3)  No supervisor, manager or teacher shall knowingly admit to the school in respect of which he is registered any teacher or pupil excluded from any other school under paragraphs (1) and (2) during the period of such exclusion.
(4)  If in any school there has been reported or found a case of infectious or contagious disease amongst the teachers, pupils or employees of that school, the Director-General may on the advice of a medical officer order the closure of that school for such period as he may consider necessary.
X-ray examination
64.  The Director-General may at any time require the pupils and teachers of a school to submit to a routine X-ray examination.
First-aid equipment
65.  A first-aid box shall be maintained in an accessible place in every school and additional first-aid boxes shall be maintained in or immediately adjacent to every science laboratory and workshop and at such other places as the Director-General may direct.