Ngee Ann Polytechnic (Students’ Union) Rules
Table of Contents
1 Citation
2 Definitions
3 Crest and place of business
4 Aims
5 Members
6 Council
7 Vacation of and removal from office
8 Disqualification from office
9 Functions of council
10 Powers of council
11 Terms of office of member of council
12 Meeting of council
13 Ordinary meeting of council
14 Extraordinary meeting of council
15 Quorum
16 Minutes of meeting
17 Absence from meeting
18 Chairman of meeting of council
19 First meeting of council
20 Second meeting
21 Executive committee
22 Functions of executive committee
23 Powers of executive committee
24 Term of office of executive committee
25 Meeting of executive committee
26 Absence from meeting
27 President
28 Vice President
29 General secretary
30 Assistant general secretary
31 Financial secretary
32 Publications secretary
33 Students’ welfare secretary
34 Resignation of council
35 Composition of interim council
36 Functions and powers of interim council
37 Term of office of interim council
38 Standing committees
39 Financial committee
40 Publications committee
41 Publication policy
42 Secretary of publications committee
43 Editor of publication
44 Business manager of publication
45 Students’ welfare committee
46 Financial year, and income and expenditure
47 Application for a grant
48 Collection of money
49 Bank account
50 Audit of Union’s accounts
51 General meeting
52 Annual general meeting
53 Extraordinary general meeting
54 Emergency general meeting
55 No extraordinary or emergency general meeting during vacation
56 Quorum for annual or extraordinary general meeting
57 Quorum for emergency general meeting
58 Decision taken at meeting
59 General meeting of Union
60 Vote
61 Vote of censure or no confidence
62 Amendment of Rules
63 Compliance with Rules
64 Disciplinary committee
65 Functions of disciplinary committee
66 Union’s notice board
67 Resignation
68 Vacancy
69 Interpretation of Rules
70 Office-bearers
71 Statements to press
Legislative History