Singapore Armed Forces (Military Court of Appeal) Regulations
Table of Contents
1 Citation
2 Definitions
3 Lodging of notice and petition of appeal
4 Extension of time
5 Notice or petition of appeal where appellant is convicted by field general court martial or in prison or detention or disciplinary barrack
6 Discontinuance of appeal
7 Copies of notice to be forwarded to registrar of subordinate military court and respondent to appeal
8 Documents
9 More than one appellant
10 Documents served on military prosecutor
11 Register and cause list
12 Presence of appellant at hearing of application
13 Copies of proceedings, etc.
14 Documents, exhibits and record of proceedings
15 Security of documents, etc.
16 Withholding of documents, etc.
17 Witnesses
18 Applications to be by motion
19 Filing of applications
20 Notifying results of appeal, etc.
21 Compliance with these Regulations
22 Sitting of Court
23 Evidence in private or in public
24 Ancillary powers of Court
25 Application of Criminal Procedure Code
26 Scale of costs of Court of Appeal
27 Presentation of case
28 Presentation of case in writing
29 Certificate and notice of rejection of appeal
30 Certificate of Director, Legal Services
31 Form of oath or affirmation
32 Return of exhibits, etc., after appeal determined
Legislative History