Probate of copy or draft, or of contents
9.  Where a will has been lost or mislaid after the death of the testator, or where a will cannot for any sufficient reason be produced —
(a)if a copy or draft thereof is produced, and it appears that the copy or draft is identical in terms with the original, probate may be granted of that copy or draft, limited until the original is admitted to probate; or
(b)if no such copy or draft is produced, probate may be granted of the contents of the will, if they can be sufficiently established, limited as above described.
Administration by official assignee
62.—(1)  Where any person dies leaving property in Singapore not exceeding $50,000 in value (without deduction for debts but not including the value of any property which the deceased possessed or was entitled to as trustee and not beneficially) the official assignee, after satisfying himself that no petition for letters of administration is pending, may, if he thinks fit, by writing signed by him declare that he undertakes to administer such property, and thereupon he shall be empowered to administer it as though letters of administration, with or without the will annexed, of the estate of the deceased person had been granted to him, and his receipt shall be a sufficient discharge to any person who pays any money or delivers any property to him; and notice of every such declaration shall be filed in court.
(2)  At any time prior to the distribution of any part of the property among the beneficiaries thereof under this section the official assignee may, if he thinks it expedient to do so, notwithstanding any declaration made by him under subsection (1), decline to proceed with the administration of the property in his hands until a grant of representation has been obtained in respect of the estate of the deceased.