Subsidiary Legislation

Building Control Act
Revised Edition published on 15 Mar 1990
Short Title     |   Number
Building Control Regulations 2003
Building Control Regulations 2003
Building Control Regulations 2003
Building Control Regulations 2003
Building Control (Outdoor Advertising) Regulations 2002
Building Control (Exemption for Public Authorities from Accredited Checker and Accredited Checking Organisation Requirements) Notification 2001
Building Control (Exemption from Accredited Checking Organisation Requirements) Order 2001
Building Control (Buildable Design) Regulations 2000
Building Control (Installation and Retrofitting of Air-conditioning Units) Regulations 1999
Appointment of Commissioner of Building Control
Building Control (Exemption from Independence of Structural Engineer) Notification 1997
Building Control (Exemption from Independence of Accredited Checker) Notification 1997
Building Control (Revocation) Regulations 1996
Building Control (Exemption from Independence of Structural Engineer) Notification 1996
Building Control (Exemption from Independence of Accredited Checker) Notification 1996
Building Control (Exemption) (Revocation) Order 1996
Building Control (Exemption from Independence of Structural Engineer) (Consolidation) Notification
Building Control (Exemption from Independence of Structural Engineer) Notification
Building Control (Exemption for Public Authorities from Accredited Checker and Accredited Checking Organisation Requirements) Notification
Building Control (Exemption from Independence of Accredited Checker) (Consolidation) Notification