Subsidiary Legislation

Active Mobility Act 2017
Not current version (effective from 01 Aug 2020 to 27 Aug 2020)
Short Title     |   Number
Active Mobility (National Parks Board — Exemption) Order 2020
Active Mobility (Mandatory Testing — Motorised PMD with Handlebars) Order 2020
Active Mobility (Mandatory Testing) Regulations 2020
Active Mobility (Enforcement Detection System Trial — Exemption) Order 2019
Active Mobility (Cycling Without Age E-Trishaw Trial — Exemption) Order 2019
Active Mobility (Prescribed Offences for Section 59A Presumption) Regulations 2019
Active Mobility (Riding of Registrable Personal Mobility Devices — Start Date) Order 2019
Active Mobility (Electronic Service System) Regulations 2019
Active Mobility (Registrable Personal Mobility Devices) Order 2019
Active Mobility (Registration of Registrable Personal Mobility Devices) Regulations 2019