Subsidiary Legislation

Active Mobility Act 2017
Not current version (effective from 01 Aug 2020 to 27 Aug 2020)
Short Title     |   Number
Active Mobility (Registration of Registrable Personal Mobility Devices) Regulations 2019
Active Mobility (Registrable Personal Mobility Devices) Order 2019
Active Mobility (Electronic Service System) Regulations 2019
Active Mobility (Riding of Registrable Personal Mobility Devices — Start Date) Order 2019
Active Mobility (Prescribed Offences for Section 59A Presumption) Regulations 2019
Active Mobility (Cycling Without Age E-Trishaw Trial — Exemption) Order 2019
Active Mobility (Enforcement Detection System Trial — Exemption) Order 2019
Active Mobility (Mandatory Testing) Regulations 2020
Active Mobility (Mandatory Testing — Motorised PMD with Handlebars) Order 2020
Active Mobility (National Parks Board — Exemption) Order 2020