Deposit of power of attorney
48.—(1)  (a)  An instrument creating a power of attorney, its execution being verified by affidavit, statutory declaration, notarial certificate or other sufficient evidence, or a true copy of the instrument duly compared therewith and marked by the Registrar, Deputy Registrar or Assistant Registrar of the Supreme Court with the words “true copy”, or, if the instrument is registered in Malaysia, an office copy thereof, may be deposited in the Registry of the Supreme Court.
(b)  For the purposes of this section, a photographic reproduction of any such instrument made in such manner and of such dimensions as may be prescribed by general rule shall be deemed to be a true copy of the instrument.
(c)  The affidavit or declaration, if any, verifying the execution of any instrument creating a power of attorney, or, where an office or true copy of such an instrument is deposited, an office or true copy of that affidavit or declaration, shall be deposited with the instrument or copy of the instrument, and paragraphs (a) and (b) shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to such office or true copy.
(2)  In the case of any instrument creating a power of attorney in a foreign language being so deposited, there shall be deposited therewith a translation thereof, certified by a sworn interpreter of the court, or if there is no interpreter attached to the court sworn to interpret in the language in which the instrument is written, the translation shall be verified by a statutory declaration of some person qualified to translate it.
(3)  A separate file of instruments so deposited shall be kept, and any person may search that file and inspect every instrument so deposited, and an office copy thereof, and if in a foreign language, of the translation thereof, shall be delivered out to him on request.
(4)  A copy of an instrument so deposited may be presented at the Registry, and may be stamped or marked as an office copy, and when so stamped or marked shall become and be an office copy.
(5)  An office copy of an instrument so deposited shall without further proof be sufficient evidence of the contents of the instrument and of the deposit thereof in the Registry.
(6)  If the instrument so deposited is in a foreign language, an office copy of the translation deposited with the instrument shall without further proof be admissible in evidence as a correct translation of the original document.
(7)  The fees to be taken in the Registry shall be fixed by the Chief Justice.
[7/1997 wef 01/10/1997]
(8)  If any such instrument so deposited at any time thereafter has been or is revoked, the Registrar of the Supreme Court, on being satisfied by affidavit or statutory declaration or otherwise that the instrument has been revoked, shall endorse thereon a certificate stating that it has been revoked and the date thereof, and thereupon the instrument shall be deemed to have been duly revoked as from the date of that certificate.
(9)  Nothing in this section shall be deemed to affect or invalidate a revocation of any such instrument where no certificate is made or any earlier revocation thereof.
(10)  Any reference in subsections (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (8) and (9) to an instrument shall be deemed to include a reference to a true or office copy of the instrument deposited in accordance with subsection (1).
(11)  Any reference in section 8 or any written law to a power of attorney deposited, filed or registered under or in the manner provided by this section includes a reference to a lasting power of attorney registered under the Mental Capacity Act (Cap. 177A).
[22/2008 wef 01/03/2010]
[Act 16 of 2016 wef 10/06/2016]