Presidential Elections Committee
18.—(1)  The Presidential Elections Committee (called in this Article the Committee) is established and is to perform the functions relating to elections to the office of President conferred on it by this Constitution or any written law relating to such elections.
(2)  The Committee consists of —
(a)the Chairman of the Public Service Commission, who is the Chairman of the Committee;
(b)the Chairman of the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority established by the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority Act (Cap. 2A);
(c)a member of the Presidential Council for Minority Rights, appointed by the Chairman of that Council;
(d)a member or former member of the Council of Presidential Advisers (but not the sitting Chairman of that Council or a former member who vacated his seat under Article 37F(2)(a) or (c)), appointed by the Chairman of that Council;
(e)a person who is qualified to be or has been a Supreme Court Judge, appointed by the Chief Justice; and
[Act 38 of 2019 wef 02/01/2021]
(f)a person, who in the opinion of the Prime Minister has expertise and experience acquired in the private sector that is relevant to the functions of the Committee, appointed by the Prime Minister.
(3)  A person appointed as a member under clause (2)(c), (d), (e) or (f) holds office for a term of 6 years and may be re-appointed.
(4)  The office of a member appointed under clause (2)(c), (d), (e) or (f) falls vacant —
(a)if the member dies;
(b)if the member resigns from office in writing addressed to the Chairman of the Committee;
(c)subject to clause (6), if the member’s appointment is revoked by the authority who appointed the member;
(d)for a member appointed under clause (2)(c), if the member ceases to be a member of the Presidential Council for Minority Rights; or
(e)for a member who is a member of the Council of Presidential Advisers appointed under clause (2)(d), if the member is subsequently appointed as the Chairman of the Council of Presidential Advisers or vacates his seat on that Council under Article 37F(2)(a) or (c).
(5)  If the office of a member appointed under clause (2)(c), (d), (e) or (f) falls vacant, a new member must be appointed as soon as practicable in accordance with the provisions of this Article under which the vacating member was appointed.
(6)  A member’s appointment cannot be revoked under clause (4)(c) from the time a writ is issued for an election to the office of President until the time a person is declared to be elected to the office of President.
(7)  If any member of the Committee is absent from Singapore or for any other reason unable to discharge his functions, the following provisions apply:
(a)if the member is the Chairman of the Committee, the Chairman must appoint a Deputy Chairman of the Public Service Commission to act on the Chairman’s behalf;
(b)if the member is the Chairman of the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority, the member must appoint another member of that Authority to act on the member’s behalf;
(c)if the member is appointed under clause (2)(c), (d), (e) or (f), another person must be appointed, in accordance with the provisions of this Article under which the member was appointed, to act on the member’s behalf.
(8)  A decision of the Committee must be made by a majority of its members present and voting and, if on any question before the Committee its members are equally divided, the Chairman of the Committee has a casting vote in addition to his original vote.
(9)  The Committee may act despite any vacancy in its membership.
(10)  Subject to this Constitution, the Committee may regulate its procedure and fix the quorum for its meetings.
(11)  Parliament may by law provide for the remuneration of members of the Committee and the remuneration so provided is charged on the Consolidated Fund.
(12)  A decision of the Committee as to whether a candidate for election to the office of President has fulfilled the requirements of Article 19(2)(e) or (g) is final and is not subject to appeal or review in any court.
[Act 28 of 2016 wef 01/04/2017]