Surety may apply to have bond discharged
105.—(1)  A surety may at any time apply to the court to discharge the bond as far as it relates to him.
(2)  On receiving such an application, the court may issue an arrest warrant directing that the released person be produced before it.
(3)  When the released person appears in court under the warrant or voluntarily, the court must direct that the bond be discharged wholly or so far as it relates to the applicant and must call on the released person to provide other sufficient sureties.
(4)  A surety may arrest the person for whom he stood surety and immediately bring him before a court, and the court must then discharge the surety’s bond and call on the released person to provide other sufficient sureties.
(5)  If a released person fails to provide other sufficient sureties when called on to do so under subsection (3) or (4), the court must commit him to custody.