Service of summons: reciprocal arrangements with Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam
121.—(1)  Where under the provisions of any law in force in Malaysia or Brunei Darussalam, a Magistrate or a Magistrate’s Court has issued a warrant or summons authorising the arrest of a person or requiring any person to appear before any court in Malaysia or Brunei Darussalam, and that person is or is believed to be in Singapore, a Magistrate in Singapore, if satisfied that the warrant or summons was duly issued in Malaysia or Brunei Darussalam, may endorse the warrant or summons, and the warrant or summons may then be executed or served, as the case may be, on that person as if it were a warrant or summons lawfully issued in Singapore under the provisions of this Code.
(2)  Where under the provisions of any law in force in Malaysia or Brunei Darussalam corresponding to subsection (1), a warrant or summons issued by a Magistrate or a Magistrate’s Court in Singapore has been endorsed by a Magistrate in Malaysia or Brunei Darussalam and executed or served on the person named in the warrant or summons, the warrant or summons shall for the purposes of this Code be deemed to have been as validly executed or served as if the execution or service had been effected in Singapore.
(3)  Where a warrant has been executed in Singapore pursuant to subsection (1), the person arrested shall be produced as soon as possible before a Magistrate in Singapore, who shall, if satisfied that he is the person specified in the warrant, direct that the arrested person be transferred forthwith in custody to the appropriate court in Malaysia or Brunei Darussalam; and any such person shall while in such custody, be deemed for all purposes to be in lawful custody.
(4)  Instead of transferring the arrested person in custody to the appropriate court in Malaysia or Brunei Darussalam under subsection (3), the Magistrate may, if for reasons to be recorded by him he is satisfied that it is in the interests of justice to do so and if the case is one in which bail may lawfully be granted, release the person arrested on bail conditional on his appearing before the appropriate court in Malaysia or Brunei Darussalam at a time to be specified in the bond and bail bond.
(5)  Where any person has been served with a summons pursuant to subsection (1), he shall attend at the appropriate court at the time specified in the summons, unless he can satisfy the court that he cannot reasonably do so.