Savings and transitional provisions
429.—(1)  This Code shall not affect —
(a)any inquiry, trial or other proceeding commenced or pending under the repealed Code before 2nd January 2011, and every such inquiry, trial or other proceeding may be continued and everything in relation thereto may be done in all respects after that date as if this Code had not been enacted; and
(b)any further proceedings which may be taken under the repealed Code in respect of any inquiry, trial or other proceeding which has commenced or is pending before 2nd January 2011, and such further proceedings may be taken and everything in relation thereto may be done in all respects after that date as if this Code had not been enacted.
(2)  Any application, authorisation, consent, direction, fiat, instruction, order, requirement or sanction of the Public Prosecutor given or made under the repealed Code before 2nd January 2011 and which remains in force or which is not complied with before that date shall be treated as if it were an application, authorisation, consent, direction, fiat, instruction, order or requirement of the Public Prosecutor given or made under the corresponding provisions of this Code.
(3)  Any summons, warrant or requisition issued by a court under the repealed Code before 2nd January 2011 and which has not been complied with or executed before that date shall be treated as if it were a summons, warrant or requisition, as the case may be, issued under the corresponding provisions of this Code.
(4)  Any proclamation published by a court under section 51 of the repealed Code shall be treated as if it were a proclamation published under section 88.
(5)  Any authorisation given by the Commissioner of Police under section 70 of the repealed Code which is not acted on before 2nd January 2011 shall be treated as if it were an authorisation of the Commissioner of Police given under section 33.
(6)  Any written order of a police officer under section 58 of the repealed Code which is not complied with before 2nd January 2011 shall be treated as if it were a written order of a police officer under section 20.
(7)  Any order of a police officer under section 120 of the repealed Code which is not complied with before 2nd January 2011 shall be treated as if it were an order of a police officer under section 21.
(8)  Any requisition made by a police officer or authorised person under section 125A or 125B of the repealed Code before 2nd January 2011 which is not complied with before that date shall be deemed to be a requisition made by a police officer or an authorised person under section 39 or 40, respectively.
(9)  Any plea of guilty by letter under section 137 of the repealed Code which is not dealt with by a court before 2nd January 2011 shall be treated as if it were a plea of guilty by letter under section 154 and that provision shall apply accordingly to the plea of guilty.
(10)  Any plea of guilty under section 137A of the repealed Code which is not dealt with by a court before 2nd January 2011 shall be treated as if it were a plea of guilty under section 226 and that provision shall apply accordingly to the plea of guilty.
(11)  Any bond executed by any person under the repealed Code before 2nd January 2011 and which remains in force on or after that date shall be treated as if it were a bond executed under the corresponding provisions of this Code.
(12)  Any person who is subject to the supervision of the police under section 11 of the repealed Code shall be treated as if he were a person subject to police supervision under section 309 of this Code.
(13)  Any information received or recorded under section 115 of the repealed Code which is not dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the repealed Code before 2nd January 2011 shall be treated as if the information were received or recorded under section 14 and the police shall deal with the matter in accordance with the provisions of this Code.
(14)  Any complaint which is received by a Magistrate before 2nd January 2011 and which is not disposed of before that date, shall be treated as if it were a complaint received by a Magistrate under this Code and the provisions of this Code shall, with the necessary modifications, apply in relation to the complaint.
(15)  Any offence which is to be compounded under section 199A of the repealed Code and which is not so compounded before 2nd January 2011 shall be treated as an offence which is to be compounded under section 243 of this Code.
(16)  Notwithstanding any other provisions in this Code, Part XIX shall, with the necessary modifications, apply to any property seized under the provisions of the repealed Code and which is not reported or disposed of in accordance with Chapter XXXVIII of the repealed Code.
(17)  Where any period of time specified in any provision in the repealed Code is current immediately before 2nd January 2011, this Code shall have effect as if the corresponding provision in this Code had been in force when the period began to run; and (without prejudice to the foregoing) any period of time so specified and current shall be deemed for the purposes of this Code —
(a)to run from the day or event from which it was running immediately before 2nd January 2011; and
(b)to expire (subject to any provision of this Code for its extension) whenever it would have expired if this Code had not been enacted,
and any rights, priorities, liabilities, reliefs, obligations, requirements, powers, duties or exemptions dependent on the beginning, duration or end of such a period as abovementioned shall be under this Code as they were or would have been under that provision in the repealed Code.
(18)  Any subsidiary legislation made under the repealed Code and in force immediately before 2nd January 2011 shall, so far as it is not inconsistent with the provisions of this Code, continue to be in force as if made under this Code until it is revoked or repealed by subsidiary legislation made under this Code.
(19)  In so far as it is necessary for preserving the effect of any written law, any reference in such written law to a seizable offence or a non-seizable offence shall be construed, respectively, as a reference to an arrestable offence or a non-arrestable offence under this Code.
(20)  Where in any written law reference is made to the sanction of the Public Prosecutor or a Deputy Public Prosecutor, such reference shall be read as a reference to the consent of the Public Prosecutor or a Deputy Public Prosecutor.
(21)  In any written law or document in which a reference is made to the repealed Code, such reference shall be read as a reference to this Code.
(22)  Where before 2nd January 2011 any inquiry is held under Chapter XXX of the repealed Code and has not been concluded immediately before that date, the inquiry may continue in accordance with the provisions under the repealed Code relating to such inquiry as if this Code had not been enacted.
(23)  For a period of 2 years after 2nd January 2011, the Minister may, by regulations, prescribe such additional provisions of a savings or transitional nature consequent on the repeal of the repealed Code as he may consider necessary or expedient.