Proclamation for person absconding
88.—(1)  If a court has reason to believe, whether after taking evidence or not, that a person against whom a warrant of arrest has been issued has absconded or is hiding so that the warrant cannot be executed, the court may publish a written proclamation requiring him to appear at a specified place and at a specified time not less than 30 days after the date of publication.
(2)  The proclamation must be published —
(a)in a daily newspaper;
(b)by leaving a copy of it at the person’s last known address;
(c)by affixing a copy of it to any bulletin board in the court house;
(d)by affixing a copy of it to the bulletin board in the office of the Town Council established under section 4 of the Town Councils Act (Cap. 329A) that is nearest to the person’s last known address; or
(e)by affixing a copy of it to a bulletin board of any community centre or clubhouse established under the People’s Association Act (Cap. 227) that is nearest to the person’s last known address.
(3)  A statement by the court issuing the proclamation stating that the proclamation was published on a specified day in a specified manner, or on a specified day at a specified place, is conclusive of that fact.