Search by police officer in arrestable case
34.—(1)  A police officer investigating an arrestable offence may, without a search warrant, search or cause a search to be made for a document or other thing in any place  if —
(a)he considers the document or thing to be necessary for his investigation and if he has reason to believe that a person who has been or may be issued with an order under section 20(1) will not or is unlikely to produce the document or thing or give access thereto as directed in the order;
(b)he has reason to believe that the document or thing, which he considers to be necessary for his investigation, is likely to be removed; or
(c)it is not known who possesses the document or thing which he considers to be necessary for his investigation.
(2)  The police officer in subsection (1) shall, if reasonably practicable, conduct the search in person.
(2A)  A reference to a police officer in this section includes a reference to a forensic specialist acting in the course of his duty as such in accordance with the written authorisation of the Commissioner under the Police Force Act and the lawful directions of the police officer he assists.
[Act 10 of 2015 wef 01/06/2015]
(3)  The provisions of this Code relating to searches pursuant to search warrants shall, with the necessary modifications, apply to a search made under this section.