Absconding or breaking conditions of bail or personal bond, etc.
103.—(1)  If a released person under a duty to surrender to custody, or to make himself available for investigations or to attend court, does not do so, he may be arrested without a warrant.
(2)  If a released person leaves the court at any time after he has surrendered into its custody or after he has attended court on the day and at the time appointed for him to do so, and before the court is ready to begin or to resume the hearing of the proceedings, the court may issue a warrant for his arrest.
(3)  A released person under a duty to surrender to custody, or to make himself available for investigations or to attend court on the day and at the time and place appointed for him to do so, may be arrested without a warrant if —
(a)there are reasonable grounds for believing that he is unlikely to surrender to custody, or to make himself available for investigations or to attend court;
(b)there are reasonable grounds for believing that he is likely to break or has broken any of the conditions of his bail or personal bond; or
(c)any of his sureties informs the police or court that the person is unlikely to surrender to custody, or to make himself available for investigations or to attend court and that the surety therefore wishes to be relieved of his obligations as a surety.
(4)  When such a person is brought before the court pursuant to an arrest under this section and the court thinks that he —
(a)is unlikely to surrender to custody, or to make himself available for investigations or to attend court; or
(b)has broken or is likely to break any conditions of his bail or personal bond,
the court may remand him in custody or grant him bail subject to such conditions as it thinks fit.
(5)  A released person shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years or to both, if the released person knowingly, and without reasonable excuse, fails to comply with any duty imposed on the released person —
(a)to surrender to custody;
(b)to be available for investigations; or
(c)to attend court on the day and at the time and place appointed for the released person to do so.
[Act 19 of 2018 wef 31/10/2018]
(6)  For the purposes of subsection (5), a released person is presumed, until the contrary is proved, to have no reasonable excuse if —
(a)on or before the date of the failure to comply with the duty, the released person left Singapore without the permission of a police officer or the court, as the case may be, and has not returned to Singapore; or
(b)on the date of the failure to comply with the duty, the released person, being outside Singapore, remains outside Singapore without the permission of the police officer or the court, as the case may be.
[Act 19 of 2018 wef 31/10/2018]