When person must normally be released on bail or personal bond, or on both
92.—(1)  When any person, except a person accused of a non-bailable offence —
(a)is arrested or detained without warrant by a police officer, or appears or is brought before a court; and
(b)is prepared to give bail at any time while in the police officer’s custody or at any stage of the proceedings before the court,
the person must be released on bail by a police officer in cases determined by the Commissioner of Police or by that court.
(2)  Despite subsection (1) —
(a)the police officer or the court may, instead of taking bail from the person, release the person if the person signs a personal bond without sureties; and
(b)the court may, instead of releasing the person on bail, release the person on bail and on personal bond by requiring the person to sign a personal bond without sureties, in addition to taking bail from the person.
[Act 19 of 2018 wef 31/10/2018]
(3)  Despite subsections (1) and (2), where the person is accused of an offence that is not a fine-only offence, and a court believes, on any ground prescribed in the Criminal Procedure Rules, that the person, if released, will not surrender to custody, be available for investigations or attend court, the court may order as follows:
(a)if the person is arrested or detained without warrant by a police officer — order the police officer not to release the person on bail or on personal bond;
(b)if the person appears or is brought before the court — refuse to release the person, whether on bail, on personal bond, or on bail and on personal bond.
[Act 19 of 2018 wef 31/10/2018]
(4)  Where —
(a)a State Court orders the release of a person under this section on bail, on personal bond, or on bail and on personal bond; and
(b)the prosecution applies to the State Court to stay execution on the order pending a review of the order by the High Court,
the State Court may stay execution on the order pending a review of the order.
[Act 19 of 2018 wef 31/10/2018]