Forfeiture of counterfeit currency or bank note, etc.
36.—(1)  Any police officer of or above the rank of sergeant, upon being satisfied that any person has in his possession —
(a)any counterfeit currency or any die, instrument or material for the purpose of counterfeiting any currency; or
(b)any forged or counterfeit bank note or any machinery, instrument or material used for the forging or counterfeiting of any bank note,
may, without warrant and with or without assistance, enter and search any place where any such currency or bank note or any such die, machinery, instrument or material is kept and seize any such currency, bank note, die, machinery, instrument or material.
[Act 15 of 2019 wef 01/01/2020]
(2)  Anything seized under subsection (1) shall, by order of the court before which any person is tried relating to such possession, or where there is no trial, by order of a Magistrate, be forfeited and shall be destroyed or otherwise disposed of in such manner as the Minister may direct.
(3)  In this section, “bank note”, “currency”, “die” and “instrument” have the same meanings as in the Penal Code.
[Act 15 of 2019 wef 01/01/2020]