Subsidiary Legislation

Children and Young Persons Act
Not current version (effective from 01 Feb 2008 to 01 Jan 2011)
Short Title     |   Number
Approved Home Certificate of Appointment
Approved Home Certificate of Appointment
Approved Home Certificate of Appointment
Approved Homes and Approved Schools
Approved School and Approved Home Certificate of Appointment
Children and Young Persons (Advisory Board) Regulations
Children and Young Persons (Approved Hospitals) (Consolidation) Notification
Children and Young Persons (Approved School and Approved Home) Order 2006
Children and Young Persons (Approved Schools and Approved Homes) Order 1999
Children and Young Persons (Board of Visitors) Regulations
Children and Young Persons (Changi Reformative Training Centre, Moon Crescent) Order 2001
Children and Young Persons (Community Service Orders) Regulations 2001
Children and Young Persons (Family Conferencing) Regulations 2001
Children and Young Persons (Place of Safety) (No. 2) Notification 2006
Children and Young Persons (Place of Safety) (No. 3) Notification 2006
Children and Young Persons (Place of Safety) Notification 2004
Children and Young Persons (Place of Safety) Notification 2006
Children and Young Persons (Place of Safety) Notification 2008
Children and Young Persons (Places of Safety) (Consolidation) Notification
Children and Young Persons (Remand Home) Regulations