Private company
18.—(1)  A company having a share capital may be incorporated as a private company if its memorandum or articles —
(a)restricts the right to transfer its shares; and
(b)limits to not more than 50 the number of its members (counting joint holders of shares as one person and not counting any person in the employment of the company or of its subsidiary or any person who while previously in the employment of the company or of its subsidiary was and thereafter has continued to be a member of the company).
(2)  Where, on 29th December 1967, neither the memorandum nor articles of a company that is a private company by virtue of paragraph (a) ofthe definition of “private company” in section 4(1) contain the restrictions and limitations required by subsection (1) to be included in the memorandum or articles of a company that may be incorporated as a private company, the articles of the company shall be deemed to include each such restriction or limitation that is not so included and a restriction on the right to transfer its shares that is so deemed to be included in its articles shall be deemed to be a restriction that prohibits the transfer of shares except to a person approved by the directors of the company.
(3)  Where a restriction or limitation deemed to be included in the articles of a company under subsection (2) is inconsistent with any provision already included in the memorandum or articles of the company, that restriction or limitation shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, prevail.
(4)  A private company may, by special resolution, alter any restriction on the right to transfer its shares included, or deemed to be included, in its memorandum or articles or any limitation on the number of its members included, or deemed to be included, in its memorandum or articles, but not so that the memorandum and articles of the company cease to include the limitation required by subsection (1)(b) to be included in the memorandum or articles of a company that may be incorporated as a private company.