Medicines (Advertisement) (Exemption) Order
Cap. 176, OR 2
Medicines (Advertisements by Healthcare Institutions) (Exemption) Order 2004
S 279/2004
Medicines (Cessation of Application of Act to Cosmetic Products) Order 2013
S 38/2013
Medicines (Cessation of Application of Act to Medical Devices) Order 2010
S 439/2010
Medicines (Cessation of Application of Act to Oral Dental Gums) Order 2016
S 542/2016
Medicines (Cessation of Application of Act to Therapeutic Products) Order 2016
S 541/2016
Medicines (Clinical Trials) Regulations 2016
S 335/2016
Medicines (Export Licence for Psychotropic Substances) Regulations
Cap. 176, RG 9
Medicines (General Sale List) Order 2016
S 544/2016
Medicines (Good Manufacturing Practice Certificate) Regulations
Cap. 176, RG 16
Medicines (Labelling of Chinese Proprietary Medicines) Regulations
Cap. 176, RG 13
Medicines (Labelling) Regulations
Cap. 176, RG 5
Medicines (Licensing, Standard Provisions and Fees) Regulations
Cap. 176, RG 6
Medicines (Medical Advertisements) Regulations
Cap. 176, RG 2
Medicines (Medicinal Products as Clinical Research Materials) Regulations 2016
S 336/2016
Medicines (Non-Medicinal Products) (Consolidation) Order
Cap. 176, OR 3
Medicines (Prohibition of Sale, Supply and Importation) Order
Cap. 176, OR 4
Medicines (Sale by Automatic Machines) Regulations 2016
S 552/2016
Medicines (Traditional Medicines, Homoeopathic Medicines and other Substances) (Exemption) Order
Cap. 176, OR 6
Medicines (Veterinary Medicinal Products) (Exemption) Order
Cap. 176, OR 1