Punishment for committing mischief causing disruption to key service, etc.
427.—(1)  Whoever commits mischief by doing any act which causes, or which he knows is likely to cause, a disruption to —
(a)the provision of any key service; or
(b)the performance of any duty or function of, or the exercise of any power by the Government or a public agency,
shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 10 years, or with fine, or with both.
(2)  In subsection (1) —
“key service” means any of the following services:
(a)a service directly related to the provision to the general public of water, sewerage, drainage, gas, electricity, waste collection and disposal, newspapers, broadcasting, telecommunications and other traditional forms of mass media communication (including radio and television services);
(b)a search and rescue service, a fire-fighting service, a service providing rapid response to requests for help in a medical emergency, or other health emergency service;
(c)a payments clearing and settlement service for payment obligations or securities, a service directly related to the provision to the general public of banking facilities and financial services associated with banking business, a securities trading, clearing and settlement service, and any other like service that is necessary to the financial market or financial institutions in Singapore or the disruption of which would have a widespread adverse effect on the financial system in Singapore or the economy of Singapore, or both;
(d)a service directly related to the provision to the general public of health or healthcare services at a hospital, primary care healthcare establishment or other like institution;
(e)a service that is critical to ensuring the reliable supply in Singapore of food which is safe and suitable for human consumption;
(f)a service directly related to ensuring the provision to the general public of reliable and safe public transport by land, water or air within Singapore or to and from Singapore;
(g)any other service that is critical to maintaining public health, the social and economic stability of Singapore or its people, or the defence of Singapore or its national security;
“public agency” means —
(a)a body corporate or unincorporate established by or under any public Act to perform or discharge a public function, or any part of such a body; or
(b)a department or Ministry of the Government or an Organ of State.
     (a)  An act which causes damage to enforcement cameras installed in a public place by a statutory board responsible for land transport to detect illegal parking in a public road is an act which causes disruption to the performance of the function of that statutory board.
     (b)  Unauthorised destruction of the records and files of a department of the Government which role is to promote Singapore as a sound and reputable financial centre is an act which causes disruption to the performance of the function of that department.
     (c)  An act of mischief which damages an electricity licensee’s power generation facility that is used to supply electricity to a public housing estate, is an act which is likely to cause disruption to a key service even though there is no actual disruption to that power supply.