Enforcement powers of inspectors
31.—(1)  In addition to the powers conferred on him or her by this Act, an inspector may —
(a)at reasonable hours, enter any premises or part thereof (whether or not in the possession or control of a registered private education institution) when the inspector has reasonable cause to believe that evidence of the commission of an offence under this Act can be found in those premises, and search for and seize and remove any book, document, material or article or make copies thereof as the inspector may consider necessary;
(b)require any person whom the inspector reasonably believes to have committed the offence to furnish evidence of that person’s identity;
(c)require, by written order, the attendance before the inspector of any person within the limits of Singapore who, from any information given or otherwise obtained by the inspector, appears to be acquainted with the facts or circumstances of the case;
(d)examine orally any person reasonably believed to be acquainted with the facts or circumstances of the case or with any other matter that the inspector may specify, and reduce into writing the answer given or statement made by that person;
(e)require any person to furnish any information or produce any book, document or copy thereof in the possession of that person, and inspect, copy, make extracts from or seize and remove such book or document; and
(f)take such photographs or video recording, as the inspector thinks necessary, of the premises and persons reasonably believed to be acquainted with the facts or circumstances of the case or with any other matter that the inspector may specify.
(2)  The person mentioned in subsection (1)(d) is bound to state truly the facts or circumstances with which the person is acquainted.
(3)  A statement made by the person mentioned in subsection (1)(d) must be read over to the person and must, after correction, if necessary, be signed by the person.
(4)  All statements, answers, information and documents procured in the course of investigation are admissible in evidence in any proceedings under this Act against the person making or producing the same.