Recognition of foreign driving licences and driving permits held by members of visiting forces
38.—(1)  Subject to the provisions of this Act, it shall be lawful for a person resident outside Singapore who is temporarily in Singapore and who holds a valid foreign driving licence to drive in Singapore during a period of 12 months from the date of his last entry into Singapore a motor vehicle of the class or description which the foreign driving licence authorises him to drive, notwithstanding that he does not hold a driving licence granted under this Part.
(2)  It shall be lawful for —
(a)a member of a visiting force; or
(b)a member of a civilian component of such visiting force,
who holds a driving permit issued to him by a competent authority of the country of the visiting force to drive in Singapore a motor vehicle belonging to the country of the visiting force which is of the class or description specified in the driving permit, notwithstanding that he does not hold a driving licence granted under this Part.
(3)  In subsection (2), “visiting force” and “civilian component” shall have the same meanings as in the Visiting Forces Act (Cap. 344).