Interpretation of sections 67 to 71B, etc.
72.—(1)  In sections 67 to 71B —
“authorised analyst” means any registered medical practitioner, scientific officer or chemist who is employed in a hospital or laboratory to carry out analyses of blood;
[Act 28 of 2014 wef 01/02/2015]
“breath test” means a test for the purpose of obtaining, by means of a breath alcohol analyser or any other device approved by the Deputy Commissioner of Police, an indication whether the proportion of alcohol in a person’s breath or blood is likely to exceed the prescribed limit;
[Act 28 of 2014 wef 01/02/2015]
“fail” includes refuse;
“intoxicating substance” has the same meaning as in the Intoxicating Substances Act (Cap. 146A);
“police station” includes any place or conveyance authorised or appointed by the Deputy Commissioner of Police to be used as a police station;
“prescribed limit” means —
(a)35 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath; or
(b)80 milligrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood.
[11/96; 1/99]
(1A)  Once a device is approved by the Deputy Commissioner of Police for the purposes of the definition of “breath test” in subsection (1), he must, as soon as practicable, cause to be published in the Gazette a notification specifying each device so approved by him.
[Act 28 of 2014 wef 01/02/2015]
(1B)  However, failure to comply with subsection (1A) in respect of any device does not invalidate the approval for that device.
[Act 28 of 2014 wef 01/02/2015]
(2)  A person does not provide a specimen of breath for a breath test or for analysis unless the specimen is sufficient to enable the test or the analysis to be carried out and is provided in such a way as to enable the objective of the test or analysis to be satisfactorily achieved.
(3)  Subject to section 71B, a person provides a specimen of blood if and only if he consents to its being taken by a registered medical practitioner and it is so taken.
[Act 28 of 2014 wef 01/02/2015]
[Act 28 of 2014 wef 01/02/2015]