Recognition of foreign driving licences and driving permits
38.—(1)  Despite not holding a valid driving licence but subject to the provisions of this Act, it is lawful for a holder of a valid foreign driving licence to drive in Singapore, for a period of 12 months starting from the date of his or her last entry into Singapore, a motor vehicle of the class or description which the foreign driving licence authorises him or her to drive.
(2)  However, subsection (1) does not apply where the holder of the foreign driving licence —
(a)is a citizen or permanent resident of Singapore; or
(b)is a work pass driver.
(3)  If at any time a holder of a valid foreign driving licence becomes —
(a)a citizen or permanent resident of Singapore; or
(b)a work pass driver,
then subsection (1) applies to that holder of a foreign driving licence for the prescribed period instead of the 12‑month period in subsection (1).
(4)  Despite not holding a valid driving licence, it is lawful for —
(a)a member of a visiting force; or
(b)a member of a civilian component of the visiting force,
who holds a driving permit issued to him or her by a competent authority of the country of the visiting force to drive in Singapore a motor vehicle belonging to the country of the visiting force which is of the class or description specified in the driving permit.
(5)  In this section —
“civilian component” and “visiting force” have the respective meanings given by the Visiting Forces Act 1960;
“permanent resident of Singapore” means a person who holds a valid entry permit under section 10 of the Immigration Act 1959 or a valid re‑entry permit under section 11 of that Act;
“prescribed period” means the period prescribed, starting from —
(a)for a person referred to in subsection (3)(a), the date on which the person is granted a certificate of citizenship under the Constitution of the Republic of Singapore or an entry permit under the Immigration Act, whichever first happens; or
(b)for a person referred to in subsection (3)(b), the date on which the person is issued with a work pass under the Employment of Foreign Manpower Act 1990;
“work pass driver” means the holder of a work pass issued under the Employment of Foreign Manpower Act 1990 who drives a motor vehicle carrying passengers or goods or both —
(a)for hire or reward; or
(b)because of or under a contract of employment.